WebTMA 7 03/07/2023 Release

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MWI Calibration Dates




Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Costs Tab-Post Test Items Flyout

Summary:  When Maintenance Worthy Items (MWI) require calibration, the Last Calibration and Through Calibration dates can be confirmed on the Work Order / Cost Tab using the Post Test Item button. The dates tell a Technician whether the MWI is eligible to be used. If the item is no longer within calibration limits, a warning pops up.


The MWI records that now include calibration date fields are: Asset, Biomed, Equipment, IT Equipment, Linear Asset, Tools, or Vehicles.

To identify the MWI as requiring calibration, first create Task records (Organization > Task) and select Calibration in the Autotrack Description field.

Assign the Task to the MWI on the PM Tab to associate the item for calibration.

When a Work Order that uses the calibrated MWI has a Closed Date or Finish Date, WebTMA uses these dates combined with PM frequency to update the related Task and MWI calibration date fields.


Areas / Department Tab Allows Nested Usage




Path: Organization > Areas > Records / Department Tab


Summary:  Area records that show multiple ownership for different Departments now allow a usage split within each Department.


One Area (room) may have a 50/50 split between the School of Biology and the School of Chemistry.

Within those splits, the School of Biology may further divide the Area function with another 50/50 split between Classroom and Laboratory.

The School of Chemistry may do this differently.

With this nested approach you can determine the percentage and type of usage for each Department.



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