General Inspection Enhancements
General Inspections now includes inspection check values on the MWI record (including meter readings).
A new Lookup, Meter Types, has been added, as well as a new Master Inspection Check Group window that allows checks to be grouped together. The Meters Tabs of MWI records show the new Meter Type.
To accommodate these changes, the new Meter Types Lookup table was created.
When both Pass/Fail and Reading are checked, the Upper Limit and Lower Limit fields are also visible.
The new Master Inspection Check Group window is used to accumulate several Master Checks. The new group can be selected on the Inspection Form.
Readings are logged against the related MWI records on the Meters Tab.
Group checks are applied to the Inspection Form / Layout Tab when you open the Check Entry flyout, i.e., you move to the third tier on the window from Section to Item to Check.
When you select Add Check, the Check Entry flyout window now includes a Master Inspection Check Group radio button. When marked, the available selections are groups you have created from the Master Inspection Check Group window.
All checks within a group have the same Order number. You can designate the order number using the Start at position field at the bottom of the Check Entry flyout.
On the Work Order inspection Item Check List window, a new Meter Inspector name field is visible, but only if the check is linked to a Meter Type. Without a name, the following message pops up.
If a Work Order Inspection Sheet reading is outside the established limits, it will automatically fail and create a new WO; however, you must select a Technician first. A message that lets you know whether the upper or lower limit has been exceeded.
Mass Import Module
The Mass Import module is available for System Administrators to import new data or update existing data.
IMPORTANT: The new menu options are available on the Admin menu. Go to Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access to give your administrative user access to the new window.
The Dashboard view shows Import history as a graphic summary and individual files.
The Templates tab shows a list of the available Excel Templates you can download and complete before importing. The list of Templates will increase in the future.
Select the desired link or button to download the template.
Once the template is completed, you can use the Create Import button on the Dashboard or use the menu Admin > Mass Update > Create Import.
Select the Data Type of your import template (Equipment, Asset, etc.), and click the Choose button to select your completed Excel spreadsheet.
Click the Next > button to see your data before import.
The results display with an indication of the status of each line: Create, Update, or Invalid.
You can use the Selection Mode buttons to make changes to a line. First, select the initial button:
This enables the other buttons:
Select a cell in the table to make the desired change in the Update Selected Fields popup pictured at left.
When the data is ready, click the Import > button.
NOTE: If the data needs serious attention, you can select Close on this window without importing, revise the Excel spreadsheet, and try again.
Public Bulletin Field Enlarged
The Public Bulletin field has been changed from a text field to a text box.
This change in the Public Information section of the Identity Tab makes it easier for you to enter and review the bulletins you add.