WebTMA 7 June 25, 2024 Release Notes SaaS

Mass Import Template for Equipment Enhanced

The Mass Import Template for Equipment has new columns that accommodate users of the Make/Model feature. Make/Model makes it easy to establish records and add PM Schedules when you add large quantities of items of the same make and model.


For example, if you purchase a quantity of identical air conditioners, you can establish the PM Schedule in Make/Model and assign it when you import the new item information. Subsequent purchases of that same make/model can be imported and automatically receive the same PM Schedule. If changes are needed, you can update the Make/Model record, and the change is reflected on all records associated with that Make/Model.

If you want PM schedules to be created for the Make/Model Equipment being added, the following columns need to be present and valid. If any are not valid or not populated, the equipment is added but no PM Schedules are associated.

  • One of the combinations below is needed. If Manufacturer, Model, and Equipment Type are present in the template, then the lookup for the Equipment Make/Model is based on Manufacturer and Model.
    • Make, Manufacturer, and Model
    • Make, Type and Sub-Type (if Sub-Type is used), or Type only
  • Base PM Date
  • Trade (if M/M PM schedule does not have a Trade, the Trade from the template is used)
  • Repair Center

Billing Review/Dispute (WebTMA Plus) Enhanced

Authorized users or requestors can review and dispute charges related to account transactions based on Department records from the Pending Charges Review/Dispute window.

The Sub-Ledger Browse form now has an additional column.


If your System Administrator has performed Review/Dispute Administrative Setup, you can create a Batch Job to Post Charges to Sub Ledger that allows you to review the charges and dispute questionable items.

The Account View section of the window now includes the Location column to save you time when reviewing the records.

Contracts Window Department Field Added

You can award contracts to outside contractors after a bid process. Information about the Contract is recorded on the Contract window.

The Department Code, a new field on the Identity Tab, helps you identify the Department associated with the contracted work. This is an elective field.



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