Fiscal Year Change for Client Info and Work Order Window
The Fiscal Year settings in Client Info / Preferences have been changed. You can select a Starting Month and a Starting Day for your fiscal year settings.
Path: Admin > Client Info / Preferences
A Fiscal Year field has also been added to the Work Order window in the More Information section. The date range has been included to make it easier for managers/technicians to select the correct FY option. This can be used in reports to show the Fiscal Year (budget year) the work was completed.
The format in the Fiscal Year field drop-down window follows this hierarchy:
- User / Preferences
- Client Info / Preferences
- Default MM/dd/yyyy (if neither User nor Client Info settings are present)
The drop-down options span eight fiscal years prior, the current fiscal year, and three fiscal years in the future.
Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Identity Tab
Your System Administrator sets the Fiscal Year Starting Month and Starting Day in Admin > Client Info / Preferences.
The System Administrator can also make the Work Order Fiscal Year field required from Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attributes.
Criteria Added to On-Hand Adjustment Search
The Optional Fields that were added to the On-Hand Adjustment window flyout have been added as criteria field selections on the drop-down selection list when you use Advanced Find (Show the Search Panel).
These fields can also be added as columns on the Display Column tab of the Find flyout.
You can now choose the four new Optional Fields when making your criteria and column selections.
Path: Materials > On-Hand Adjustments