WebTMA 7 January 7, 2025 Release Notes

UDF Now Available for UPI - AP Payment Import


Path: Admin > Universal Interface Setup

Use the UPI – AP Payment Import Transaction Type to import payment records using the Universal Interface framework.

Your UDF fields are now included on the Add Column flyout in the Universal Interface Setup window.

When you click the Add Column link to open the Entry flyout, you can select your UDF fields from the WebTMA Column drop-down list.

Be sure to add the UDF fields to Admin > System Form Attributes for the Purchase Order page to see the fields.

This is our January Voice of the Customer enhancement. We would like to thank Jefferson Health for submitting this enhancement suggestion. We saw an opportunity to redevelop the page completely to be more user-friendly in all areas. WebTMA has evolved into the solution it is largely through great feedback and suggestions provided by our clients.

Parts Location Tab Now Has Enabled WO Link


Path: Material > Parts > Records / Locations Tab

The Audit Trail flyout on the Parts / Locations Tab is opened when you click the Btn_Eye_PartsAuditTrail.png Eye icon to see all details about a Part line.

The Work Orders column on the Audit Trail displays all Work Orders that have the Part assigned. The Work Order # is now an enabled link so you can review the associated Work Order with one click.

UI Receivings (Staging) Import Enhancement


Path: Admin > Universal Interface Setup

The Receiving (Staging) Import UI transaction is used to import Receivings from your ERP. The information is held in the database until it is approved from the Receiving Staging window.

However, not all clients require the extra approval action. To avoid this step, mark the new Auto Receive check box when the Transaction Type selection is Receivings (Staging) Import.

When using Auto Receive, you bypass the review process.

If all Parts on a Purchase Order are auto-received, the PO is automatically closed.

NOTE: The function cannot auto-receive serialized Parts.

New Selections for UPI PO and PR in Universal Interface


Path: Admin > Universal Interface Setup

Clients that use the WebTMA Universal Interface module sometimes have processes for importing POs and exporting PRs that differ from the usual WebTMA process.

To allow you to choose the import or export function that matches your workflow process, two new selections have been added.

Look for the following new Transaction Type selections:

  • UPI - Purchase Order Export
  • UPI – Purchase Requisition Import

The screenshots below show available fields for Purchase Requisitions Import and some of the many fields available for Purchase Order Export.

Other fields that are available for Purchase Order Export include PO#, RC Code, Line Quantity, and UDF fields.








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