Global Technician, Requestor, and Contractor Change
Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Identity Tab
Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Default Tab
Notice the Global check box has been removed.
Summary: New Set as Global Default check boxes have been added to the Identity Tab–Access Section. These settings apply to the logged-in user.
Previously, a Global check box displayed on the Default Entry flyout that opened from the User Management > Records / Default Tab. That check box has been removed.
You now have the option to establish a Global Default for Requestor, Technician, and/or Contractor on the Identity Tab. The new Global settings apply to all windows.
When a Global Default is set, the designated Technician, Requestor, or Contractor name displays throughout the application in fields with that label.
This is for your convenience. The name in the field can be replaced on any window if needed.
Add Default SSO User Group from WebTMA 5 to WebTMA 7
Summary: Just in time provisioning has been added to WebTMA 7 SAML.
You have the option to add a Repair Center from a flyout panel.
Choose Behavior as Create Requestor or Create User. A Repair Center grid is available, and you can add and save the Repair Center from that grid to the respective records.
Service Request Form – Field Selection Revised
Path: Admin > Form Attributes > Service Request Form / Layout Tab
Summary: Select multiple fields for your Service Request Layout at one time.
The Navigation Panel now displays a single option, Add Field.
Click the link to open the Layout Fields flyout.
Rather than dragging fields one at a time from the Navigation Panel, fields for the Service Request Form / Layout Tab are available in a flyout window.
You can check all the boxes desired before clicking Save on the flyout.
All the new fields are inserted at the bottom of the window where you can click-and-drag to rearrange as desired.