WebTMA 7 09/27/2022 Release

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Added My Dashboard Control to Open WebTMA Windows in Add Mode


Path: My Dashboard


Summary: A new Add Item Control gives you a quick way to open frequently-used windows in Add mode.


System Administrators can easily create these new controls. All that is needed is that you add a Name, which displays as the title of the control, and select the desired window. The example at left opens the Work Order window.

Once the new control is saved to a Tab, the user can choose the icon and open the window in Add mode – on a separate browser tab.

Print Work Orders Options on Scheduler Are Enhanced



Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Scheduler


Summary: You have several options to print Work Orders from the Scheduler window.


When you select the Save button on the Schedule Entry flyout as well as Save on the WebTMA toolbar, a message pops up with the option to print.

In addition, you have a Print link on the Action Menu.

Option to Hide Columns on Material Request Windows


Path: Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attribute / Material Request – Material Requests



Summary: System Administrators now have the option to show or hide grid columns for Material Requests. This applies to both Requestor Login and regular Login windows.


Previously, System Administrators could amend the Material Request Entry flyout in the Pages Section and hide fields such as Unit Cost. However, they could not hide the corresponding column in the grid on the Material Request window.

With this addition to System Form Attributes, columns can be hidden as well.

In the Grids Section, expand the Material Request Lines (Grid) and clear the Visible check box for columns that you do not want your users to see

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