How To Connect Postman to WebTMA API.

  1. Before launching Postman, make sure you create a new User Record in WebTMA that uses a
    Local WebTMA password (No SSO or LDAP) and Grant access to the actions and data in WebTMA the api will perform and then grant a Role on the API Access Tab of the User Record.
  2. Open Postman
    a. Open a new file if needed.
    b. You may have to create an account.
  3. Click on Collections > Import
  4. Enter the following URL, replacing <clientsubdomain> with your actual WebTMA subdomain
    a. https://<clientsubdomain>
    i. You can find this on your own swagger page at the following relative URL
    1. https://<clientsubdomain>
  5. Postman will read the file for import.
  6. Choose your desired option, Default is Postman Collection, but as a developer you may want the other options. Click Import.
  7. Notice it Importing the definition file:
  8. Now you see your WebTMA Platform API
  9. First, click on WebTMA Platform AP and the Variables Tab and update the Base URL to your
    proper URL based on this format and Save (ctrl + s)
  10. Browse to v2 / Users / Authenticate / Validate API Session
  11. Enter your WebTMA API Credentials and click Send.
  12. Copy the full text of the Token from Start Quote to End Quote.
  13. Open WebTMA Platform API (Very Top of Tree), Click Authorization, and Paste the value into the “bearerToken” Field, replacing “bearerToken” and SAVE.
  14. For a Quick Test, click on Accounts > GET Return a list of Accounts, uncheck or define columns, filter, sort, and click Send.
  15. Notice you can see your basic account list in the Body. You’re connected and ready to develop
    against the WebTMA API.

If you would like more information about WebTMA’s API Library, please contact
your Account Manager about gaining access to this powerful too.

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