List of WebTMA7 Database Views

The following table contains a list of the database views available for reporting in WebTMA7.  With each database view name, there is a brief description of the data contained in the view.  Database views are used for reporting for SaaS clients with Direct Database Connect or the Business Intelligence module.  For on-premise clients, it is strongly encouraged they use these views for reporting, rather than queries directly against transactional tables.


This list can be searched easily using the Find function of your browser (shortcut key Ctrl+F)


WebTMA7 View Description
v_AccountRepairCenter List of repair center and accounts that are linked.
v_estimateList List of all estimates includes requestor info, approval info, estimated date range, actual date range, reference info, whether it's for work order or project, department info, technician info, account info, authorizer info, cost info and item info.
v_SimpleDockItemList List of all dock items includes inventory foreign key, serialized part foreign key, quantity and balance
v_SimplestPartInventory List of all part inventory includes cost info, quantity on hand, serialized flag, count of quantity available, inventory code, part info, minimum level, order unit quantity, active flag, manufacturer info, warehouse info, part cost with markup and without markup
v_workorder List of all work orders includes work order number, item info, location info, status info, account info, time type info, repair center info, requestor info, action requested, work order dates, department info, priority info, request number if converted from request, work order type info, project info and tax info 
v_workorderchargeList List of all work order other charges includes no charge flag, company info, product info, post dates, quantity, unit cost, purchase order number, inventory amount, retail amount, account info, charge type info, item info, task info, work order reference number, work order request date, work order completion date and  currency info
v_workorderlaborBaseCost List of all labor lines includes work order task foreign key, work order foreign key, task foreign key, work order task completion date, work order task finish date, rate schedule foreign key, pm foreign key, cost info, failure code foreign key and flags for failed pm, not located and work not done. 
v_workorderlaborList List of all labor lines, both productive and non-productive time, includes technician name, account number, shift, time type, work order number, trade, task, labor hours and charge rates.
v_workorderPartList Listing of all work orders that have part costs on them includes work order info, inventory info, part info, cost info, account info, manufacturer info and  task info
v_workorderTaskSimple List of all work order tasks includes work order task due date, work order task post dates, pm foreign key, work order ingo, task info, rate schedule info, item info, tax info and repair center foreign key.
vr_account List of all accounts includes code, name, active flag, encumbered flag, purge date, split bill, has sub contract, balance type, normal balance, header flag, account type info, sub labor, sub parts, sub other, sub contract info, currency info, charge account info and department info.
vr_accounttype List of all account types, this only includes type.
vr_action List of all actions includes action description, quick post material flag, task type info
vr_APInvoice List of all accounts payable invoices includes number, Purchase Order number, repair center info, vendor info and total
vr_area List of all areas with all area related info
vr_areaType List of all area types includes code, name, parent foreign key, rate schedule foreign key, flags for cleaned, inspected and active. 
vr_asset List of all assets includes asset info, location info, asset type info, account info, inventory condition info, department info, vendor info, vehicle info, capital planning setup info, inventory technician info, assigned technician info, currency info and image.
vr_AssetTransferDetails List of all asset transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_AssetTransferHeader List of all asset transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_assettype List of all asset types, this only includes type.
vr_Building List of all buildings includes building info, technician info, address info, contractor info, cost info, square footage, capital planning construction type info, cost per square feet, contact info, parent info, portfolio manager info, rate schedule info, building type info, location info, department info, account info, repair center info and last renovation date.
vr_buildingtype List of all building types, this only includes type.
vr_CEEquipment List of all biomed equipment records. Includes information found on the Biomed Equipment window in WebTMA.
vr_CEEquipmentTransferDetails List of all biomed equipment transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_CEEquipmentTransferHeader List of all biomed equipment transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_ceequipmenttype List of all biomed equipment types, this only includes type.
vr_ChangeOrder List of all change orders includes number, date, approver info, authoization info, currency info, technician info, estimate info and cost info
vr_chargeType List of all charge types includes code, description, active flag, default rate, markup, free unit measure, budget code info, unit of measure info, currency info, repair center foreign key, unit cost and schedule locked flag.
vr_checktype List of all check types, this only includes type.
vr_contract List of all contracts includes number, active flag, contract type info, date range, cost info, vendor info, repair center info, currency info, award info, extended info and charge order total.
vr_ContractRating List of all contract ratings only the main record info.
vr_cpElement List of all Capital Planning Work Elements includes work element info, active flag, parent info,  and has children flag.
vr_CPWorkElement List of all capital planning work elements 
vr_Department List of all Departments with all department related info
vr_departmentType List of all department types, this only includes type.
vr_DeviceType List of all device types includes device type info, risk level, usage info, risk formula info and capital planning info
vr_Disposal List of all diposals includes number, approver info, recycled flag, comments, drivers name, recipient, technician info, type info, department info, currency info, account info, location info, item info and requestor info.
vr_district List of all districts includes code, name, address info, phone, fax, url, contact info, manager, comment, region info, division info and posted info.
vr_DownTime List of all down times for all available items includes down time date range, down time type info, equipment foreign key, vehicle foreign key, biomed foreign key, IT equipment foreign key, item tag number and description.
vr_DownTimeType List of all down time types.
vr_entity List of all entities includes entity info, install date, purchase info, warranty info, registered date, serial number, model number, usage info, type info, department info, account info, assigned technician info, location info, lock out info and currency info
vr_EntityType List of entity types, includes type, usage info, capital planning work element info and active flag.
vr_equipment Listing of all equipment, location info, model and serial number, parts (belts, filters, refrigerant type, etc.) account, manufacturing and vending info
vr_equipmentDownTime List of all down time includes equipment, vehicle and biomed equipment, dates of down time and description of down time
vr_equipmentMakeModel List of all equipment by make/model includes make, model, equipment info, vendor info, equipment type info, standard operating procedure info, joint commission info, device type info, currency info and risk factor info.
vr_equipmentReplacement List of all equipment includes equipment info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vr_EquipmentTransferDetails List of all equipment transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_EquipmentTransferHeader List of all equipment transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_equipmenttype List of all equipment types, this includes only type. 
vr_Estimate List of all estimates includes requestor info, approval info, estimated date range, actual date range, reference info, whether it's for work order or project, department info, technician info, account info, authorizer info, cost info and item info.
vr_estimateType List of all estimate types includes type info, time type info, part type info, charge type info and active flag.
vr_Event List of all events which includes information from the event window in WebTMA.
vr_eventType List of all event types, this includes only type.
vr_ExpenseTicket List of all expense tickets includes expense ticket info, reference number, type info, department info, account info, repair center info, tax info, account program info, budget code info, item info, sub total, post date and sub ledger post date.
vr_expensetickettype List of all expense ticket types, includes type and budget code info.
vr_expensetype List of all expense types, includes type, budget code info and account info.
vr_facility List of all facilities includes location info, address, contact info and rate schedule info.
vr_facilitytype List of all facility types, includes type only.
vr_failureCode List of all failure codes includes failure code, failure description, active flag, manual flag, require corrective flag, task info, task type info, work order type info, priority info, trade info and days to complete
vr_floor List of all floors includes floor info, legacy code, type info and location info.
vr_floortype List of all floor types, includes type only.
vr_GeneralInspectionForm List of all general inspection forms includes general inspection form code/name, default items info, repair center info, trade info, task info, priority info and work order type info
vr_Group List of all groups includes group info, general inspection form info, lock out info, work order type info and preferred repair center info
vr_HazardousMaterial List of all hazardous materials includes name, chemical name, vendor info, site code, volume/weight, material form, label, characterisitics, disposal review type info and flags for mixture, pure, toxic, dilute, on file and active
vr_HazardousMaterialType List of all hazardous material types, includes type only.
vr_Holiday List of all holidays includes name, start date and end date.
vr_InterchangeableCore List of all interchangeable lock cores includes lock core info, lock shop info, key system info, asset info, location info, vendor name and part info.
vr_Invoice List of all invoices includes invoice number, date, due date, reference number, freight, comment, terms, discount percent, discount taken, currency info, status info, vendor info, tx info, repair center info, purchase order foreign key, project requisition foreign key, work order foreign key, lease foreign key, expense ticket foreign key, gas ticket foreign key, rental foreign key, sales order foreign key, utility ticket foreign key, department foreign key and transaction type.
vr_ItemTaskFAQ List of all item task FAQs includes task info, task type info, item type info and item info
vr_ITEquipment List of all IT equipment includes IT equipment info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info, department info, inventory condition info, vendor info, account info, vehicle info, biomed equipment info, currency info, preferred repair center info and type info.
vr_ITEquipmentTransferDetails List of all IT equipment transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_ITEquipmentTransferHeader List of all IT equipment transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_ITEquipmentType List of all IT euipment types, includes type and usage info.
vr_JournalEntry List of all journal entries includes number, post dates, item type info, journal entry type info, amount, account info, budget code info, repair center info and batch job id.
vr_key List of all keys includes key info, serialized info, flag for control, flag for miscellaneous, lock shop info, key system info, key type info, key bitting info, parent info and quantity info.
vr_KeyBitting List of key bittings includes bitting info, lock shop info, key system info, encrypted flag, active flag and encryption type.
vr_KeyCabinet List of all key cabinets includes key cabinet info, lock shop info and location info
vr_keyHolder List of all key holders includes key holder name, active, department, repair center, position, phone, comments and authorizer flag.
vr_keyHolderItem List of all keys held by key holders includes, quantity, key info, due date, pick up date, issue date and  key holder info
vr_KeyRing List of all key rings includes key ring info, key holder info, key cabinet info and repair center info
vr_KeySystem List of all key systems includes code, description, lock shop info, vendor info, level, flags for bitting required, auto lock number, auto core number, key is used and interchangeable core.
vr_KeyTransaction List of all key transactions includes transaction description, date, key foreign key, serial foreign key, key holder info, quantity, serial number, key number, serialized flag, work order info, department info, adjustment foreign key, cabinet foreign key, key ring foreign key, available quantity and has signature flag.
vr_LaborAdjust List of all labor adjustments includes code, description, percentage, flat rate, hourly rate, labor adjustment type info, currency info and active flag.
vr_LinearAsset List of all linear assets includes tag number, description, name, start measure, end measure, active flag, x/y coordinates, longitude, latitude, department info, location info, account info, linear asset type info, parent info, technician info, preferred repair center, direction name and active computed flag.
vr_LinearAssetType List of all linear asset types, this only includes type.
vr_Lock List of all key locks includes key lock info, lock shop info, key system info, lock core info, asset info, location info, vendor info, key lock type info, key info, keyway, repair center foreign key and key bitting.
vr_mastercheck List of all master checks includes active flag, med tester flag, check code, check description, last updated date, control, check type code, check type description and control text.
vr_MaterialRequest List of all material requests includes material request info, type info, purchase order type info, requestor info, repair center info, authorizer info, department info, account info, status info, shipping info, cost info and flags for converted and rejected.
vr_MonitoredCondition List of all monitored conditions
vr_Notification List of all notifications includes active flag, comment, email note, flags for email shop, technician, trade, require acknowledgement, time sensitive, escalate work not done, is a group, end action foreign key, expiration time foreign key, start range foreign key, interval foreign key, group info, notification item's info, repair center info, priority info, escalation priority info, task info. 
vr_OnHandAdjustmentSubCode List of all on-hand adjustment (inventory transactions) sub codes includes sub code's description and type info
vr_partType List of all part types, includes type and budget code info.
vr_pCardTransaction List of all P-Card transactions includes number, date, comment, tax rate info, currency foreign key, exchange foreign key, exchange date, last statement date, reconcile date, user info, vendor info, p-card type info, repair center info, status info, technician info, transaction limit info, sub total, daily count, card total, daily total and monthly total.
vr_PMSchedule List of all pm schedules. Includes information such as task, item pm being performed on, trade, repair center, department, work order type, interval, risk level, technician, priority, pm_startDate and pm_nextDate.
vr_POChangeOrder List of all purchase order change orders header info
vr_PositionRate List of all position rates includes rate, cost, use flag, time type info, shift info and position info.
vr_Priority List of all priorities includes description, display color, due interval, mobile critical flag and active flag
vr_projecttype List of all project types, includes type only.
vr_PurchaseOrder List of all purchase orders header info
vr_PurchaseOrderType List of all purchase order types, includes type, active flag and stock replenishment flag.
vr_rateSchedule List of all rate schedules includes active flag, multipliers, percentages, hourly rate, flags for work order, sales order, capital project, schedule locked, no charge labor, no charge part, no charge other and no charge contractor.
vr_Refrigerant List of all refrigerants includes size, current punds/ounces, condition, cost per pound, purchase date, retired date, purchase order number, type info, location info and vendor info.
vr_RefrigerantService List of all refrigerant services includes refrigerant info, equipment info, current ounces/pounds, added to equipment flag, added ounces/pounds and technician info
vr_RefrigerantType List of all refrigerant types, includes type only.
vr_region List of all regions includes code, name, address info, phone, fax, email, url, contact info, division info and posted info.
vr_RegulatoryCodeSections List of all regulatory code scetions includes code, name, details, parent foreign key, regulatory body code and regulatory body name.
vr_RepairCenter List of all repair centers includes code, name, settings info, ship to info, time type info, work order type info, survey info, notify info, currency info, priority info, task info, trade info, time zone info, dupe check open work order flag, printer info, freight info, account info and ticket task info.
vr_Requestor List of all requestors includes name, address info, location info, user info, system role and position info
vr_RequestType List of all request types, includes type, flags for key, custodial, active and inspection finding.
vr_Reservation List of all reservation header info
vr_ReturnAndRepair List of all return and repairs includes comment, reason, attention, number, tracking number, phone, due date, shipping instructions, ship via, shipped flag, document date, rma number, status, return type info, vendor info,  vendor address info, repair center info, work order number and work order foreign key.
vr_ReturnType List of all return types includes code, description and active flag.
vr_riform List of all room inspection forms
vr_RIPoint List of all room inspection points includes sequence, area square footage and active flag
vr_RIResultType List of all room inspection result types.
vr_RoomInspectionFormPoint List of all room inspection form points includes inspection form foreign key, sequence, point and item type foreign key.
vr_RoomInspectionFormType List of all room inspection form types. 
vr_SalesLineType List of all sales line types includes type info, budget code info, active flag and markup.
vr_Seer List of all CEAR (Capital Expenditure Approval Request) records includes number, code, description, active flag, amount, award date, used amount, balance and currency info
vr_Shop List of all shops includes shop code and name, address info, email, active flag, printer, default accounts for labor, meterial and other.
vr_Site List of all sites includes site info, surveryor info, zoning, plat info, instrument info, meter points info, easement info, purchase info, current value, location info, tax info, insurance info and technician info.
vr_SOP List of all standard operating procedures includes code, procedure, type, name, source, equipment type info and equipment sub type info.
vr_SystemType List of all system types, includes type, flags for equipment, biomed equipment, project and active.
vr_TaskType List of all task types, includes type, budget code info, trade info, flags for active, apply multiplier and filter from device.
vr_TaxRate List of all tax rates includes tax rate info, flags for eligible transactions, account info, exempt code and rate.
vr_TechnicianEducation List of all technician education includes technician info, technician active flag, education level, degree, graduation date, institution
vr_TimeAndAttendance List of all labor lines, both productive and non-productive time, includes technician name, account number, shift, time type, work order number, trade, task, labor hours and charge rates.
vr_TimeType List of all time types, includes type, budget code info, charge rate, flags for productive time, indirect labor, average time reports, productive time reports, trainee, trainer, active and earns comp time.
vr_Tool List of all tools includes tool info, rent info, calibration dates, time due back, check in date, sub location, asset condition index info, last inventory location, purchase cost, location info, type info, department info, account info, manufacturer info, vendor info, vehicle info, shop info, inventory technician info, assigned technician info and inventory condition info.
vr_ToolTransferDetails List of all tool transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_ToolTransferHeader List of all tool transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_ToolType List of all tool types, includes type, usage info, active flag.
vr_trade List of all trades includes trade info, supervisor, default charge, custodial flag, email, shop info and technician info. 
vr_TrainingProgram List of all training programs includes code, description, active flag, template flag, survey required flag, email info, repair center foreign key, training type info and copied record (true/false).
vr_Trip List of all trips includes trip info, vehicle info, technician info, trip type info, department info, requestor info and dispatch info
vr_TripStopLocation List of all trip stop locations includes trip foreign key, trip stop info, stop location info and trip order number
vr_UserGroupManagedDepartment List of all User Group Managed Departments. Contains Usergroup Id, Department Id, Department Code, Department Description, flag for grant access and UserGroupName
vr_UserManagedDepartment List of all User Managed Departments. Contains User Id, Department Id, Department Code, Department Description, flags for grant access, group access and effective access.
vr_users List of all users with user related info
vr_UtilityBudget List of all utility budgets includes fiscal year, utility meter info, location info, utility service info and account info.
vr_UtilityRoute List of all utility routes includes code, description and repair center info
vr_UtilityService List of all utility services includes utility service info, average cost, conversion, unit demand, unit, last date, last reading, last meter, usage info, service type, conversion emission, unit of measure info and account info
vr_UtilityTicket List of all utility tickets includes meter info, service info, vendor info, department info, account info, ticket date, post date, charge flag, start/end date, usage, demand, unit of measure info, periodic charge, repair center info, vendor utility account info, tax info, total amount and accounts payable invoice.
vr_UtilityTransformer List of all utility transformers includes code, description, location, capacity, comments, load factor and repair center code
vr_VehicleItemHeaderTransfer List of all vehicle item transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_VehicleTransferDetails List of all vehicle transfers includes quantity, unit cost, item info, foreign key to the equipment transfer header, the new location info and the previous location info
vr_VehicleTransferHeader List of all vehicle transfers includes technician, repair center info, comments, the new location info, the previous location info
vr_VehicleType List of all vehicle types, includes type, usage info, active flag.
vr_vendor List of all vendors 
vr_VendorType List of all vendor types, includes type only.
vr_warehouse List of all warehouses includes warehouse code, warehouse name, address info, last transfer number, manager name, phone number, square feet, barcoded flag, apply to purchase order manual flag, default purchase email flag, account info, parent info, shipt to and bill to address info, tax info, delivery instruction and transfer in and out year to date and used month to date and used year to date.
vr_WorkOrderType List of all work order types, includes type, budget code info, flags for designated, require general comment, Service Level Agreement, include in Asset Condition Index, Restrict Manual Selection and Active.
vr_zone List of all zones includes, code, name, active, comment, Location info, manager info and customer info.
vr_zoneItem List of all items that are connected to zones includes item code, item description, item type info, item foreign key and zone foreign key.
vrpt_Acceptor List of all users
vrpt_ACI Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
vrpt_ACIRpt List of all asset condition indexes includes item info, purchase price, acquired date, life expectancy, replacement cost, target percent and actual asset condition index
vrpt_ApprovalRouteDetail List of all appoval routes includes authorizer info, route info, order, user foreign key, repair center foreign key and department foreign key
vrpt_ApprovalRouteLinkDetailList List of all approval route links includes link type info, link info and approval rotuing available criteria foreign key
vrpt_ApprovalRouteLinkList List of all approval route links includes route info, transaction type info, approval routing available criteria name, active flag and time based flag.
vrpt_area List of all areas with only, Loaction ID, Description, Room Number and Room Type Description
vrpt_areaItemList List of all items located in areas includes area info, item info, purchase date, warranty date, cost, present condition, notes, building name and area type description.
vrpt_AreaRecallsByTech List of area work orders where there are more than one labor line for the same technician and work order task
vrpt_areatypeallocation List of all area type allocations includes facility foreign key, facility name, building foreign key, building name, area foreign key, area location id, area description, area square feet, area cleanable square feet, room count, area type foreign key, area type description and building pecentage
vrpt_ARLeaseInvoice List of all accounts receivable lease invoices includes cost info, number, date, due date, term info, discount info, currency info, paid late flag, location info, tenent info, vendor info, status info and lease info.
vrpt_ARLeaseInvoicePayment List of all accounts receivable lease invoice payments includes number, date paid, amount paid, cancellation date, lease info, accunt number and amount due info
vrpt_AssetReplacement List of all asset includes asset info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_AssetXRef List of parts connected to assets includes asset info, part info, manufacturer info, quantity, unit of measure, cost info, asset type info, vendor info, inventory value, quantity on order info, min/max level and selling cost
vrpt_AutoScheduleRuleTask List of all Autoschedules with the task code, task description, created date, modified date, creator, modifier, zoneRelated and the auto schedule number
vrpt_BaseCEEquipmentRegulatory List of preventative maintenance work orders on biomed equipment
vrpt_BaseEquipmentRegulatory List of preventative maintenance work orders on equipment
vrpt_BillToLocation List of all bill to locations includes ship to location info, bill to location info and address info
vrpt_BioEquipRecallsByTech List of biomed equipment work orders where there are more than one labor line for the same technician and work order task
vrpt_BiomedEquipmentReplacement List of all biomed equipment includes biomed equipment info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_BiomedTaskCompliance List of all work orders for biomed equipment includes wo_number, request date, work order task foreign key, task completion date, rok not done flag, repair center info, department info, device info and owner department info.
vrpt_Building List of all buildings includes only code, name and type description
vrpt_CDInspectionAreaItemLink List of all custodial inspection linked areas and items. Includes custiodial item info, unit of measure info, custodial inspection foreign key, deficiency info, rating info, technician info, quantity, inspection date, facotr, score, location info, requestor foreign key, and template quantity
vrpt_cdLaborEstimate List of all custodial labor estimates includes location info, template info, square footage, area count, hour info, minutes info and type.
vrpt_cdRoute List of all custodial routes includes shift info, supervisor info, active falg, indirect minutes, route info, location info, technician info, area count, inspection count, weekly minutes, total minutes and total weekly minutes.
vrpt_cdRouteAreaLink List of all custodial route area links includes custodial route info, minutes by day, location info and custodial template info
vrpt_cdRouteAreaLinkFor List of all custodial route area links includes custodial route info, minutes by day, location info and custodial template info
vrpt_cdRouteAreaTaskLinkFor List of all custodial route area task links includes custodial task info, quantity by day, minutes by day, area location id and custodial route foreign key
vrpt_cdRouteAreaTaskLinkForReport List of all custodial route area task links includes custodial task info, quantity by day, minutes by day, area location id and custodial route foreign key
vrpt_cdTask List of all custodial tasks includes custodial task info, task info, base minutes, base quantity, frequency info, type info, points info, unit of measure info and associated item info
vrpt_cdTemplateTaskLink List of all custodial template task links includes custodial template info, base minutes, base quantity, frequency info, custodial tak info, custodial task type info, unit of measure info, minutes by level, task base minutes, task base quantity, task point, custodial task foreign key, custodial item foreign key and custodial template foreign key. 
vrpt_CEEquipmentDownTime List of all down time on biomed equipment includes biomed equipment info, down time info, minutes down, down date range and biomed type info.
vrpt_CEEquipmentPMWizard List of all pm schedules for biomed equipment includes item info and pm schedule info
vrpt_CEEquipmentSafetyRole List of all safety roles by biomed equipment includes safety role info, safety role item type foreign key and biomed equipment foreign key.
vrpt_CEEquipmentWOWizard List of all biomed equipment work orders includes biomed equipment info, work order info, location info, technician info, task info, trade info, status info, priority info, work order type info and repair center info.
vrpt_ClassList List of all training classes includes class info, program info, trainer hours, trainee hours, estimate cost, enrollment date range and survey required flag
vrpt_ClassTrainer List of all class trainers includes trainer info, primary flag, class id, date range and vendor info
vrpt_ClientFiscalYear List of fiscal year start date
vrpt_CompletedTaskCost List of all completed tasks cost includes work order task foreign key, task info, repair center info, total cost and completion date.
vrpt_ContactorComparison List of contracted work orders. This has work order info and work order cost info. Doesn't list the contractor?
vrpt_ContractDepartmentLink List of all contracts linked to departments includes contract foreign key, department foreign key, department code and department name
vrpt_ContractItems List of all maintenance worthy items that have contracts
vrpt_ContractorWorkOrder List of contracted work orders. This has work order info and work order cost info and lists the contractor
vrpt_ContractTaskType List of all task types on contracts
vrpt_ContractWOType List of all work order types on contracts
vrpt_CostLTD List of all life to date costs includes item type foreign key, item foreign key, cost info, hours, work order count and time frame
vrpt_CostYTD List of all year to date costs includes item type foreign key, item foreign key, cost info, hours, work order count and time frame
vrpt_cpAudit List of all capital planning audits
vrpt_cpBuildingCondition List of all capital planning building condition records includes building info, cost info, condition, rating, funding request, percentage and capital planning setup foreign key.
vrpt_cpCyclicRenewal List of all capital planning cyclic renewals
vrpt_cpSetup List of all capital planning setup records
vrpt_cpSetupUtilityService List of all utility services that are used on capital planning setup records
vrpt_cpWorkElement Listing of all capital planning work elements
vrpt_Creator List of all users
vrpt_crew List of all crews includes crew tag number, crew description and active flag
vrpt_Currency List of all currencies
vrpt_DailyUnderstock List of all under stock inventory includes sku code, sku description, bin label, dock quantity, on hand quantity, minimum level, average cost, standard cost, cost used and unit of measure.
vrpt_DeviceTypeRisk List of all device type risks includes risk question, risk answer and device type.
vrpt_emailGroupDetail List of all email groups includes code, description and email addresses.
vrpt_EntityReplacement List of all entities includes entity info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_EquipmentPMScheduleListReportWizard List of all pm schedules for equipment includes item info and pm schedule info
vrpt_EquipmentPMWizard List of all pm schedules for equipment includes item info and pm schedule info
vrpt_EquipmentRatingHistory List of all equipment rating history includes rating value, rating date, equipment info, make, model, serial, user name and location info
vrpt_EquipmentSafetyRole List of all safety roles by equipment includes safety role info, safety role item type foreign key and equipment foreign key.
vrpt_equipmentTypeQuestion List of all equipment type risks includes risk question, risk answer and equipment type code.
vrpt_EquipmentWOWizard List of equipment and includes work order info
vrpt_EstimateAccount List of all accounts used on estimates includes work order/non work order account info and estimate info
vrpt_EstimateCostSummary List of all estimates with their hours and cost info
vrpt_EstimateItem List of all estimate items includes estimate line item info, cost info and estimate foreign key
vrpt_ExpenseItems List of all expense ticket detail lines includes quanitity, cost info, unit of measure info, tax info, account info, post dates, expense ticket number and expense type info
vrpt_ExpiringContracts List of all contracts includes number, start/award/end date, exentended through, total value, vendor info, contract status, balance, estimate, task type info, rate shcedule and contract type info.
vrpt_FacilityPath Listing of all hierarchy locations above associated facility
vrpt_FailureAnalysisforArea List of all failure codes on areas includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info and area type info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforAsset List of all failure codes on assets includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, asset info, vendor info and asset type info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforBiomed List of all failure codes on biomed equipment includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, biomed equipment info, vendor info and biomed equipment type info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforEntity List of all failure codes on entities includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, entity info and entity type info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforEquip List of all failure codes on equipment includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, equipment info, system type info, vendor info and equipment type info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforGroup List of all failure codes on groups includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info and group info.
vrpt_failureAnalysisforTool List of all failure codes on tools includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, tool info, vendor info and tool type info.
vrpt_FailureAnalysisforVehicle List of all failure codes on vehicles includes failure code info, task info, work order info, location info, vehicle info, vendor info and vehicle type info.
vrpt_genInspCheckResults List of all general inspection check results includes check description, order, section info, form info, checked out flag, default info, item type info, item info, location info, flags for has comment, has pass/fail, has value, has meter and checked, these help determine type of check
vrpt_genInspectionCheck List of all general inspection checks includes checks, order, default repair center info, default work order type info, default task info, default trade info and default priority info
vrpt_genInspectionItem List of all general inspection maintenance worthy items includes item type info, item info, location info, general inspection section foreign key, order, general inspection form foreign key
vrpt_genInspectionItemChecksXref List of all general inspection maintenance worthy items that are linked to checks includes general inspection check info, repair center info, work order type info, task info, trade info, priority info, general inspection form foreign key and general inspection item foreign key.
vrpt_GenInspectionResult List of all general inspection results includes general inspection info, inspected by, checked out by, default repair center info, default work order type info, default task info, default trade info, default priority info, work order info, department info, request date, completion date, finish date, work order status, task duration, default supervisor and work not done flag
vrpt_genInspFormSectionItem List of all general inspection items included in sections includes general inspection section info, item info, order, item type foreign key, item foreign key.
vrpt_grnTask List of all grounds related tasks
vrpt_groupItem List of all maintenance worthy items that are in groups
vrpt_groupItemList List of all maintenance worthy items that are in groups
vrpt_groupLifeSafeTyItem List of all life safety items in groups, includes only group item foreign key and group foreign key
vrpt_IncidentResponse List of all incidents includes work order number, completion date, flags for response recived, response pending, operator error, potential risk to operator and potential risk to patient
vrpt_InspectionFinding List of all requests where inspection finding is true.
vrpt_IntegrationSetup List of all integration setups includes setup code, setup description, setup type and import flag.
vrpt_IntegrationSetupListRpt List of all integration setups includes setup code, setup description, setup type and import flag.
vrpt_Invoice List of all invoices includes header and detail line info
vrpt_Item vrpt_Item (this will have all the Maintenance Worthy Items listed) unique combo of itemType_fk and item_pk. Only includes Item's Number, Item's Description, foreign key to Manufacturer and associated risk level. Can use this view's unique combo to join to associated views i.e. vr_Area, vr_Building, vr_Equipment, vr_vehicle, etc.
vrpt_ItemTypeJobLink List of maintenance worthy item types with associated tasks include item type info, item info, task info and task option info
vrpt_ITEquipmentReplacement List of all IT equipment includes IT equipment info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_itQuestionnaireResult List of all questions for IT equipment includes item foreign key, question, question type and result
vrpt_JobLibraryPart List of all required parts on associated tasks includes task foreign key, part info, manufacturer info and quantity
vrpt_jobLibraryToolList List of all required tools on associated tasks includes task foreign key and tool info
vrpt_jobLibraryTrainingList List of all required training on associated tasks includes task foreign key and training info
vrpt_keyAccess List of all areas a key can access 
vrpt_KeyCabinetInventory List of all key inventory in key cabinets includes key info, quantity, key cabinet info and location info.
vrpt_KeyHolderHistory List of all key holders that have had a key assigned to them. Includes key holder name,  repair center, key holder's email, comments, key info, wo number, account code, due date, deposit, quantity, issue date, return date, lost date, has email flag and has signature flag.
vrpt_KeyHolderKeys List of all key holders and the keys held
vrpt_KeyIssued Listing of all keys issued includes key info, quantity and key holder info
vrpt_KeyRingItem List of all key ring's items includes key ring info, quantity and key info
vrpt_LastPMWorkOrder List of last preventative maintenance work order from that schedule includes pm foreign key and work order number
vrpt_Lease List of all leases includes lease info, type info, repair center info, department info, status info, tenant info, vendor info, parent info, square footage, lease dates, lessor info, cost info and remaining due
vrpt_Location List of all locations includes code, name and location's item type foreign key
vrpt_MaintenanceDetailByTech List of all maintenance detail by technician includes hours, extended cost, technician name, work order number, request date, completion date, action requested, repair center name
vrpt_MakeModelRisk List of all risk questions and answers by make/model includes risk question, risk answer, make, model and item type name
vrpt_MasterCheckResult List of all master check results includes task info, check info, check type info, result info and technician info
vrpt_MeterHistory List of all meters history includes meter info, meter reading info, taken by info and item's tag number
vrpt_MeterLastReading List of all last meter readings includes meter info, meter reading info and technician info
vrpt_Modifier List of all users
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForArea List of all monitored condition readings for area includes area info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForAsset List of all monitored condition readings for asset includes asset info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForBiomedEquipment List of all monitored condition readings for biomed equipment includes biomed equipment info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForEntity List of all monitored condition readings for entities includes entity info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForEquipment List of all monitored condition readings for equipment includes equipment info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForTools List of all monitored condition readings for tools includes tool info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MonitoredConditionReadingListForVehicles List of all monitored condition readings for vehicles includes vehicle info, monitored condition reading info, location info and type info.
vrpt_MostExpensiveArea List of all areas that have work orders includes area info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveAsset List of all asset that have work orders includes asset info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveBiomed List of all biomed equipment that have work orders includes biomed equipment info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveEntity List of all entities that have work orders includes entity info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveEquipment List of all equipment that have work orders includes equipment info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveItems List of most expensive items includes work order count, hours, cost info, item type foreign key and item foreign key
vrpt_MostExpensiveITEquipment List of all IT equipment that have work orders includes IT equipment info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveTool List of all tools that have work orders includes tool info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_MostExpensiveVehicle List of all vehicles that have work orders includes vehicle info, hours, labor cost, part cost, other cost, contractor cost, total cost and work order count.
vrpt_motor List of all mototrs includes rpm, horse power, model/serial, amperage, vlotage, frame size, lubricant, vendor name  and equipment info
vrpt_MyTaskToDoList List of all To do list items which includes create date, start date, due date, close date, status, what the task is, priority, completion percentage, and user assigned.
vrpt_OnHandAdjustmentDetail List of all On-hand adjustments (inventory transactions) includes header info and line item info
vrpt_OnHandAdjustmentTotalCost List of all on-hand adjustments (inventory transactions) total summarized includes on-hand adjustment foreign key, total cost, total quantity
vrpt_ParentPart List of all parent part records
vrpt_Part List of all parts includes price info, model, serialized flag, unit of measure info, markup, used YTD/MTD, received MTD/YTD, lst adjustment, last unit price, quantity on hand, inventory value, min/max level and vendor info
vrpt_PartExtraInfo List of all parts includes used YTD/MTD, received MTD/YTD, last purchase order number, last purchase date, quantity on hand, inventory value, min/max level and vendor info
vrpt_PartInventoryList List of all part inventory includes inventory info, min/max level, reorder point, reorder quantity, active flag, deleted flag, critcal flag, warehouse info, quantity on hand, account info, task info, manufacturer info, inventory value, markup info and part type foreign key
vrpt_PartInventoryListPCT List of all part inventory includes quantity on hand, bin label, min/max level, reorder point, reorder quantity, part info, warehouse info and total quantity.
vrpt_PartKitDetail List of all part kits includes part info, unit of measure, standard cost, average cost, serialized flag quantity and part kit foreign key.
vrpt_PartsUsedOnEquipWO List of all parts used on equipment work orders includes work order info, part info, repair center info, task type, task, quantity, unit cost, equipment info, warehouse foreign key and total cost
vrpt_PartTransferSignatureForReport List of all signatures on part transfers
vrpt_PartXrefEquipment List of all parts linked to equipment includes equipment foreign key, part info, manufacturer number, unit of measure info, last unit price and quantity on hand
vrpt_PartXrefITEquipment List of all parts linked to IT equipment includes IT equipment foreign key, part info, manufacturer number, unit of measure info, last unit price and quantity on hand
vrpt_Payment List of all payments includes payment info, technician info, account info, department info, vendor info, payment date, authorized date, card type, card holder, card expiration date and currency foreign key.
vrpt_pmscheduleListReportWizard List of all pm schedules. Includes information such as task, item pm being performed on, trade, repair center, department, work order type, interval, risk level, technician, priority, pm_startDate and pm_nextDate.
vrpt_POActualTaxFreightCost List of all purchase orders freight cost includes purchase order foreign key, tax, freight and extended cost.
vrpt_POInvoice List of all purchase order invoices includes accounts payable invoice number, date, status, total and purchase order foreign key
vrpt_POItemReportReceivedDate List of all purchase order item's received dates includes purchase order foreign key, purchase order item's foreign key and received date
vrpt_PostedChargesDetail List of all posted charges includes labor line foreign key, account info, transaction description, wo_number, transaction date, post date, general ledgar post date, charge, credit, line indicator (Credit or Charge), flag for labor, memo, transaction type and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_PostedExpenseTicketCharges List of all posted expense ticket chargers includes exense ticket info, department name, recipient, post date, subledger post date, cost info, account info, item info and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_PostedGasTicketCharges List of all posted gas tickets includes number, post type, post date, subledger post date, transaction date, charge amount, credit amount, account number, account name and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_PostedPartTransferCharges List of all posted part transfer charges includes transfer number, date, post date, subledger post date, cost info, account info, from warehouse, to warehouse and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_PostedProjectRequisitionCharges List of all posted project requisition charges includes proj request info, post date, subledger post date, vendor info, cost info, department info, account info and repair center info.
vrpt_PostedSalesOrderCharges List of all posted sales order charges. Includes post date, subledger date, sales order number, sales order comment, account info, department info, transaction date, charge and credit ammounts, repair center info.
vrpt_PostedUtilityTicketCharges List of all posted utility ticket charges includes utility ticket info, department name, meter description, post date, subledger post date cost info, account info and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_PostedWorkOrderCharges List of all posted work order charges includes post type (Labor, Part, Other, Contractor), post date, subledger post date, transaction date, credit amount, account info, charge amount, line indicator (Credit/Charge), batch job foreign key, batch job post date, work order number, batch job number and repair center foreign key.
vrpt_POTaxRate List of all tax rates 
vrpt_PPEItemsIssued List of all personal protective equipment issuances includes item info, technician issued to, the issuing user and returned info.
vrpt_ProjectAuthorizedProjReq List of all project requisitions includes project foreign key, authorized flag and project requisition total amount
vrpt_ProjectAuthorizedPurchaseOrder List of all authorized purchase orders includes project foreign key, authorized flag and purchase order total amount
vrpt_ProjectAuthorizedWOTask List of all authorized work order tasks includes project foreign key, authorized flag, work order number, request date, completion date, estimate cost, work order task foreign key, repair center foreign key and rate schedule foreign key
vrpt_ProjectAuthorizedWOTaskCosts List of all authorized work order tasks cost info includes project foreign key, work order foreign key and cost info.
vrpt_ProjectCostBudgetSummary List of all projects budget cost summarized includes project number and budget cost info
vrpt_ProjectFile List of all projects, this includes project information such as budget for labor, other, part and total budget amount, estimated time, estimated cost, actual cost, as well as foreign keys to join to accounts, department, building, facility, parent project, contractor, event, technician.
vrpt_ProjectPartInvPartCost List of all inventory part costs
vrpt_ProjectRequisition List of all project requisitions includes number, date, comments, shipping info, vendor info, cost info and tax info.
vrpt_ProjectResourceHierarchyListTaskLink List of all resources used on project tasks. Includes project resource detail line info, project task type forien key, project activity info and project header info
vrpt_ProjectTask List of all tasks included on projects includes project foreign key, task info, estimated start date, estimated end date, status, work order number, work order task hours, cost info, task type info, work order type info and technician
vrpt_ProjReqTaxRate List of all tax rates 
vrpt_PRTaxRate List of all tax rates 
vrpt_PurchaseOrder Listing of Purchase Order header info
vrpt_PurchaseOrderItems List of all purchase order detail line items includes purchase foreign key, part info, quantity, unit of measure info, manufacturer info, repair center info, warehouse info and cost info
vrpt_PurchaseOrderTotalPerBatch List of all purchase orders includes header info and detail line info from lines that aren't cancelled
vrpt_PurchaseReqDistrib List of all purchase requisition distribution lines includes balance, quantity, part info, account info, work order number, task info, work order task foreign key and purchase requisition info
vrpt_PurchaseReqItems List of all purchase requisition detail line items includes purchase requisition foreign info, quantity, unit ocst, account info, order unit, order quantity, manufacturer info and cost info
vrpt_PurchaseRequisition List of all purchase requisitions includes number, date, comment, tax info, shipping info, vendor info, status info and costs info.
vrpt_Quote List of all quotes includes quote info, requestor info, ship to info, status, purchase requisition foreign key, tax info, amount info, last PO date and last PR date.
vrpt_QuoteDistrib List of all quote distribution lines includes item type info, work order number, quantity, unit, task info, part info, balance, order quantity, work order task foreign key.
vrpt_QuoteItem List of all quote items includes quote foreign key, quote line item info, quantity, unit cost, account code, manufacturer info, vendor info, unit of measure info, tax info, order unit quantity, status info and subtotal amount
vrpt_Rejector List of all users
vrpt_RentalResource List of all rental resources detail lines and rental header information
vrpt_RepairCenter List of all repair centers includes code, name, authorization required flag and charge rate
vrpt_ReportScheduler List of all reports that are scheduled includes interval, days scheduled, email info, next date, expiration date, last date, time and report name.
vrpt_Request List of all requests includes request info, location info, account info, department info, repair center foreing key, task foreign key, task type foreign key, maintenance worthy item foreign keys, request type and key holder name.
vrpt_Requestor List of all requestors includes requestor unique id and address info only
vrpt_ReservationResource List of all resources on reservations includes start date, end date, item type info, item info, facility info, reservation number, accepted/rejected info, cancelled info and esimated cost
vrpt_riInspectionAreaPoint List of all room inspection area point links includes area info, room inspection point info.
vrpt_riInspectionList List of all room and custodial inspections includes inspection number, date, close date, inspection form info, inspection form type info, room inspection result type info, repair center, technician name, average rating and lapsed days.
vrpt_riskFactor List of all risk factor formulas 
vrpt_riskFactorAnswer List of all risk factor answers includes answer, value, line number and formula code
vrpt_riskFactorQuestion List of all risk factor questions includes question, line number and formula code
vrpt_SalesOrder List of all Sales Orders Header info. Doesn't include the Sales Line details.
vrpt_ScheduledHoursByTechnician List of all scheduled hours by technician includes schedule start date, schedule line foreign key, technician info, work order number, task info, schedule duration, shift info and footer.
vrpt_ServiceBillingPartInventory List of all part inventory includes sku, part cost, part info and part type foreign key
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrder List of all work orders includes work order number, account info, department info, repair center info, requestor info, work order type info and priority info.
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrderCost List of all work order costs includes work order number, cost info, post dates, repair center info, account info and cost type
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrderItem List of all work order items includes item tag number, item description, risk level, manufacturer, model, serial, sub location, item type and work order number
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrderScheduledTech List of all work order schedules includes work order number and technician
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrderTask List of all work order tasks includes contract number, task info, trade and work order number
vrpt_ServiceBillingWorkOrderTaskComment List of all work order task comments includes work order number and comment
vrpt_ShipToLocation List of all ship to locations includes location code, location name and address info
vrpt_ShopHoursByTechnician List of all shop hours includes hours, transaction date, trade, shop, work order type, time type and extended cost.
vrpt_ShopHoursByTechnicianGrouped List of all shop hours includes labor line count, trde, shop, work order type, time type info, hours and extended cost
vrpt_simpleChangeOrder List of all charge orders includes charge order unique id, estimate foreign key and authorized flag
vrpt_SimpleDockItemList List of all dock items includes inventory foreign key, serialized part foreign key, quantity and balance
vrpt_SimpleEstimate List of all estimates with their hours and cost info
vrpt_SimpleTask List of all tasks includes task info, average time, approval info, priority foreign key and task type info
vrpt_SimpleTrade List of all trades includes code, description, default supervisor and shop info
vrpt_SimpleWorkOrderLabor List of all work order labor includes labor line foreign key, work order foreign key and labor line extended cost
vrpt_SimpleWorkorderTask List of all work order tasks includes task info, task typ info, failure code info, contractor info, work order task foreign key, work order foreign key, completion date, finish date and due date
vrpt_smartRouteList List of all smart routes set up on department and/or repair centers includes smart route type, code, order of authorizer and user name
vrpt_softwareByITEquip List of all software by IT equipment includes software info, version, IT equipment info, location, IT equipment type, active flag and serial number.
vrpt_SOTaxRate List of all tax rates 
vrpt_StatusHistory List of the status history of all items/transactions that status can be applied to, this includes deleted work orders.
vrpt_surveyResult List of all survey results includes info of person who filled out survey, work order number, survey question, question type, value to question, repair center info and customer survey foreign key
vrpt_task List of all tasks which includes information you'd find on the task window in WebTMA.
vrpt_TaskByTechnicianFor List of all labor lines with task info. This includes labor hours, technician info, repair center name, hour quantity, task info, labor transaction date and task type.
vrpt_TaskCheck List of all task check list items includes sequence, check code, check description and task foreign key
vrpt_Technician List of all technicians includes name, work phone, pager, email, supervisor, title, charge rate, SSN, emergency contact info, address info, currency info, account info, budget code info, pay info, user login ID, position info and employment type info.
vrpt_TechnicianEducation List of all technician's education includes level, degree, graduation date, institution and technician foreign key
vrpt_TechnicianEvaluation List of all technician evaluations includes date, notes, rating, increase amount, increase percentage and technician foreign key
vrpt_TechnicianPositionHistory List of the position history for technicians
vrpt_TechnicianProductive List of all technician time, lists both productive and non productive time. Includes labor line foreign key, wo_number, task foreign key, labor transaction date, labor hours, technician info, repair center info, time type info, productive hours, non productive hours, work order hours, non work order hours and labor cost
vrpt_TechnicianTrade List of trades for technicians
vrpt_TechnicianTraining List of all training taken by technicians. Includes technician info, training info date taken, due date, hours, travel cost and tuition cost.
vrpt_TechPreferredRC List of technician's preferred repair centers 
vrpt_ticketworkorder List of all ticket work orders includes work order info, location info, item info, requestor info, building's country, if it's a template, and hardware/software info.
vrpt_ToolCheckout List of all tool check outs includes maintenance worthy item foreign keys, item type foreign key, checked out/in dates, due back date, technician info, tool info and tool type info
vrpt_ToolReplacement List of all tool includes tool info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_trainingAssignmentList List of all training assignments
vrpt_trainingAssignmentRequest List of all training assignment requests includes training info and requestor info
vrpt_TrainingDone List of training completed includes date taken, date due, hours, travel cost, tuition cost, active flag, training info and technician foreign key
vrpt_TrainingLabor List of all training with labor info
vrpt_TrainingProgramSurveySection List of all training survey sections includes training foreign key, question foreign key, survey foreign key, sequence, question type and question
vrpt_trainingRequest List of all training requests includes technician info, type info, work order number, task info, task type info, class info, class date range accepted/rejected, required date and trainer info
vrpt_TrainingSurveyResult List of all training survey results
vrpt_travelTrip List of all travel trips includes trip number, description, trip date range, destination, address info, comment, official flag, conference flag and trip type info.
vrpt_travelTripList List of all travel trips includes trip number, description, trip date range, destination, address info, comment, official flag, conference flag and trip type info.
vrpt_travelTripType List of all travel trip types, includes type and sub type.
vrpt_TripStandard List of all trip standards includes name, from building info, to building info and min/max value
vrpt_UFISetup List of all UFI setups includes code, description, financial app, webservice, document counter, validation minute, seperator and summariztion selection.
vrpt_UFITemplateAssignmentList List of all ufi template assignments
vrpt_UFITemplateSetupDetail List of all the ufi template setups includes sequence, type, length, value, default, data type, journal entry foreign key, column foreign key, column code/description, column length, position and financial application
vrpt_userPreferenceValueRole List of all user preferences includes preference type foreign key, preference type name, user foreign key and preference value
vrpt_UtilityAccountLink List of all utility services with linked accounts
vrpt_UtilityBudgetDetail List of all utility budget details includes usage budget, billed budget, cost info, variance, month and calendar year.
vrpt_UtilityMeter List of all utility meters includes meter info, last reading, amount by month and location info.
vrpt_UtilityMeterServices List of all utility meter services includes location info, utility meter foreign key percent usage
vrpt_UtilityMeterTransferDetail List of all utility meter transfer detail lines includes transfer header foreign key, utility meter tag number, description, model and serial
vrpt_UtilityMeterTransferHeader List of all utility meter transfers includes technician info, repair center info, account info, from location info and to location info
vrpt_utilityRateSchedule List of all utility rate schedules includes rate schedule info, utility service info, vendor info and rates
vrpt_UtilityRouteItem List of all utility route items includes location info, utility route foreign key, utility meter foreign info, account info, vendor info, utiltiy service info, rate schedule info, transformer info, vendor info, budget code info, weather station info and current reading
vrpt_VehicleDownTime List of all vehicle down time includes start date, end date, down time type info, vehicle info and minutes down.
vrpt_VehicleReplacement List of all vehicle includes vehicle info, acquistion cost, purchase date, replacement date, replacement cost, location info and type info.
vrpt_Weather List of all weather inputs includes weather info, month info, heating, cooling, mean temperature, base temperature and location info.
vrpt_WeatherReading List of all weather readings includes degree info, temperature info, dew point, precipitation, weather foreign key and day
vrpt_WebTMASessionLog List of all user sessions in WebTMA includes user info, dates, system role, host address info and last activity
vrpt_WebtmaUserGroupXref List of all user groups and associated users
vrpt_WOAccountInfo List of all accounts on work orders includes account info.
vrpt_WOEstimateCost List of all work order estimate costs includes work order foreign key and sestimate cost
vrpt_WOExtraInfo List of all work orders lapse time
vrpt_WOItem List of all work order items includes item info, vendor, item status, joint commission, type info, model, serial, risk factor and location info.
vrpt_WOItemSafetyRole List of all safety roles by item includes safety role info, safety role item type foreign key and item foreign key.
vrpt_WOLabor List of all work order labor lines includes labor line foreign key, work order task foreign key, rate schedule foreign key, tax amount, extended cost and extended retail
vrpt_WOLaborExtendedCostRetail List of all work order labor lines includes labor line foreign key, work order task foreign key, rate schedule foreign key, tax amount, extended cost and extended retail
vrpt_WOOnhandAdjust List of all on-hand adjustments (inventory transactions) that are on work orders includes work order foreign key, on-hand adjustment number.
vrpt_workorder Listing of all work orders, doesn't have Maintenance Wothy Items info just a reference to the foreign key value
vrpt_WorkOrderAllocatedPart List of all work order allocated parts includes inventory info, warehouse info, part info, cost info, markup info, manufacturer info, serial number, task info and work order foreign key.
vrpt_WorkorderAllocatedTool List of all work order allocated tools includes task info, tool info, work order foreign key.
vrpt_WorkOrderBuilding List of all work orders located at the building or location underneath the building level
vrpt_WorkOrderCharge List of all work order charges includes work order task foreign key, account foreign key, purchase order number, supplier name, product, invoice number, inventory date, quantity, sub ledger post date, unit cost, transaction date, post date, comment, inventory amount and batch number.
vrpt_workorderChargeableLineItem List of all work order chargeable line items includes work order number, credit info, charge info, transaction date, action requested, cost info, location inf, work order type info, task info and task type info
vrpt_WorkOrderChargeDetail Listing of all work order charges includes charge line info, task info, cost info and work order foreign key.
vrpt_workorderchargeList List of all work order charges includes task info, work order info, quantity, sub ledger post date, unit cost, transaction date, post date, comment, inventory amount, retail charge, account info, charge type info, task completion date, task finish date, rate schedule foreign key, charge line tag number and batch id.
vrpt_workorderContractor List of all work order contractor charges includes task info, rate, type, charge flag, quantity, transaction date, post date, sub ledger post date, account info, contractor info, total cost, total retail and comments
vrpt_workorderContractorList List of work order contractor costs includes work order number, task info, contractor info and cost info
vrpt_workorderCost List of all work order costs includes task foreign key, trade foreign key, hours, lbaor cost, part cost and other cost. Does not include contractor cost.
vrpt_WorkOrderCostSummary List of all work orders cost summarized includes work order number, hours info, unposted cost info, posted cost info, total cost info, total retail cost info and project foreign key.
vrpt_WorkorderDetail List of all work orders includes foreign keys to locations, lapse time day/hours and task info
vrpt_WorkOrderGeneralInspectionResults List of all work orders with general inspections results includes work order number, completion date, finish date, request date, repair center info, general inspection info, technician info, department info, item info, general insepction check results info and correct work order info
vrpt_WorkorderLabor List of all labor lines includes work order and non work order time. Labor line info, work order info, task info, time type info, acount info, shift info, trade info, technician info and rate info.
vrpt_workorderLaborAdjust List of all work orders that have labor adjustments includes labor line foreign key, labor adjustment info, percent, flat rate, hourly rate, total applied and total applied cost.
vrpt_workorderlaborList List of all labor lines, both productive and non-productive time, includes technician name, account number, shift, time type, work order number, trade, task, labor hours and charge rates.
vrpt_WorkOrderLaborWithWOInfo Listing of all work order labor includes work order info, labor line info, technician info, account info, shift, info, time type info, cost info, trade info, task info and location info.
vrpt_WorkOrderLegacy List of all legacy work orders includes number, type, location info, item type info, item info, total cost, total hours, request date, closed date, task, comments, action requested, requested, failure code and risk level
vrpt_workorderlinkedImage List of all linked docs attached to work orders includes work order number and linked document
vrpt_workOrderListing List of all work orders includes work order info, task info, location info, requestor info, type info, action requested and supervisor.
vrpt_WorkOrderListReportWizard List of all work orders includes work order info, task info, location info, department info, requestor info, action requested, trade info, priority info, status info, work order type info and repair center info.
vrpt_WorkOrderPart Listing of all work orders that have part costs on them includes work order info, inventory info, part info, cost info, account info, manufacturer info, task info and technician info.
vrpt_workorderPartList Listing of all work orders that have part costs on them includes work order info, inventory info, part info, cost info, account info, manufacturer info and  task info
vrpt_workorderResource List of all work order resources includes part info, warehouse code, quantity, work order foreign key and work order task foreign key
vrpt_workorderResponseTime List of all work orders with response time data includes work order info, response time info; year, month, day, minutes, total hours, location info, trade info and tech info. 
vrpt_WorkOrderTask List of all work order tasks includes work order number, account info, area foreign key, task foreign key, and item tag number
vrpt_WorkOrderTaskComment List of all work order task comments includes task info, date, comment and work order number
vrpt_WorkOrderTaskDetail List of all work order tasks and includes task cost info, work order location info and provides work order number and foreign key to work order.
vrpt_WorkorderTaskEquipment List of all work order tasks on equipment includes work order number, task ino, location info, equipment info and cost info
vrpt_workorderTaskForWO List of all work order tasks includes work order foreign key, task date info, not located flag, work not done flag, falied PM flag, contract info, task info, failure code info, authorized flag, task type info, rate schedule info and completed/finish past due days
vrpt_WorkOrderTaskFullDetail List of work order tasks includes work order number, trade code, trade description, key related info, resolution info, task type code, task type description, failure code info, contract info, rate schedule info, not locaed, failed pm, work not done, task info, pm schedule foreign key, completion date, sub ledger post date, estimated time and date info, due date, finish date
vrpt_WorkorderTaskItem Listing of work order tasks with location, Maintenance Wothy Items info, Task hours and Task Cost info
vrpt_Workordertaskschedule List of all work order task schedules includes work order foreign key, task info, technician name, schedule start date, schedule duration, schedule completion date and crew info.
vrpt_workorderTaskTradeFor List of work order tasks with trade data includes work order number, trade info, task info, shop info, location info, repair center info, status info, work order type info, work order completion date, action requested, tech comments, requestor, finish date and task completion date.
vrpt_workorderTaskTradeFor2 List of all work order tasks includes task code, trade info, work order foreign key and shop info
vrpt_WorkOrderTradeShop List of all work order tasks includes task foreign key, trade info and shop info.
vrpt_WorkOrderTypeDetail List of all work order types that have been used on work orders. Inlcudes work order foreign key, work order number, area location id, area description, building code, building name, request date, completion date, action requested, work order type and subtype
vrpt_WorkOrderTypeSubDetail List of all work order tasks includes task info, work order number, vendor name, task hours, task labor cost, task part cost and task other cost.
vrpt_WOUsedItem List of all used items on work orders includes item info and work order number.
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