Release Notes On-Premise March 2024

New Home Page User Interface (UI)


A dynamic new Home Page is now available. You have the option of switching between My Dashboard and this new page.

The new page is designed for quick visibility and easy access to your high priority items such as Work Orders and Active Tasks.

If not visible, select the LogoToHome.png WebTMA 7 logo to see the new Home Page.

At the upper right of the new Home Page, select the Home_QuickAddPlus.png Quick Action button to quickly create any of the following:

  • New Work Order
  • New Purchase Order
  • New Purchase Requisition

The new Home Page has two views:

  • Work Orders (default)
  • Active Tasks

Any time you want to revert to My Dashboard, select the Home_MyDashboardIcon.png My Dashboard button at the top right.

The menu at the top of the Home Page is the same with the addition of an Home_FilterMenu.png icon you can select to display a Filter field and search the entire application.



The Summary section of the default Work Order view shows a summary of all Work Orders with these statuses:

  • Open
  • Overdue
  • Finished
  • Unassigned

Select one of the buttons to display a list of the underlying work orders in the Work Order Tasks section.

Use the Home_FilterButton.png Filter buttons at the top of the columns to see the desired Work Orders.  You may also take action by marking the check box on a Work Order(s) and choosing one of the following buttons from the top right of the list:

Home_UpdateStatusBtn.png  Update Status: Update the Status of the WO

Home_AssignTechBtn.png  Assign Technician(s): Assign a technician to the WO

Home_UpdateDueDateBtn.png  Update Due Date: Update the Due Date on the WO

Home_ExportToCSV_Btn.png  Export to CSV: Export to a csv file

Home_Print_Btn.png  Print: Print the WO




The Active Tasks view shows a Due Date Breakdown and an Active Task List.

In the Due Date Breakdown section, you see all your active tasks categorized by the following statuses:

  • Overdue
  • Today
  • Next 7 Days
  • After 7 Days
  • No Due Date

Select any of the buttons to display only those items in the Active Task List below.

Select the buttons at the right of a line item to:

Home_Tasks_AddTaskCommentBtn.png  Add Task Comment: Add comments to Tasks

Home_Tasks_Post CostsBtn.png  Post Cost: Opens Work Order Cost Entry

Home_Tasks_FinishCompleteTaskBtn.png  Finish/Complete Tasks: Mark Task as done

Home_Tasks_PrintBtn.png  Print: Print the Task

Bill of Materials Added


A Bill of Materials (BoM) can now be created and assigned for maintenance-worthy items.

Select Material > Bill of Materials to open the new window where you see the BoM groups as well as create new BOM Groups and select parts and items.

The Part Reference Tab on the following MWI windows now includes a BoM Group Parts section:

•   Entity

•   Equipment

•   IT Equipment

The XRef Tab on the following MWI windows includes a BoM Group Parts section:

•   Biomed

•   Asset

•   Vehicle

The Parts / XRef window also includes a BoM Group Items section.

Mass Import Module

MassImport_Dashboard History.png

The Mass Import module is available for System Administrators to import new data or update existing data.

The new menu options are available on the Admin menu. Go to Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access to give your administrative user Full access to the new window.

The Dashboard view shows Import history as a graphic summary and individual files.

The Templates tab shows a list of the available Excel Templates you can download and complete before importing. The list of Templates will increase in the future.

Select the desired link or Home_ExportToCSV_Btn.png button to download the template.

Once the template is completed, you can use the Create Import button on the Dashboard or use the menu Admin > Mass Update > Create Import.

Select the Data Type of your import template (Equipment, Asset, etc.), and click the Choose button to select your completed Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Next > button to see your data before import.

The results display with an indication of the status of each line: Create, Update, or Invalid.

You can use the Selection Mode buttons to make changes to a line. First, select the initial button:

MassImport_Enter Selection Mode.png

This enables the other buttons.

Select a cell in the table to make the desired change in the Update Selected Fields popup.

When the data is ready, click the Import > button.

NOTE: If the data needs serious attention, you can select  Close on this window without importing, revise the Excel spreadsheet, and try again.

CAD Import Department Codes Available

Path: Admin > CAD Import

Department Codes are now an option when using CAD Import.

Previously, Department Descriptions were available, but the Department Code was not an option. You can now import both Description and Code.

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