Universal Interface Overview

Using the Universal Interface module, you can import and export data into WebTMA from an Oracle Database, SQL Server Database, or a flat file. Be aware that a successful import requires careful setup.

The Universal Interface functionality consists of multiple modules that can be purchased separately. Each module is specific to its primary data focus.

Universal Interface consists of a service, which is installed and maintained by the user, as well as a configuration window within WebTMA. The service processes the transactions while the WebTMA Universal Interface Setup window stores the mapping information the service uses to import or export the data.

Three basic elements are required:

  • Third-party Database (flat file, Oracle, or SQL Server) that includes, at minimum, certain required fields (see Universal Interface Client Service Installation)
  • Client Service installed for Universal Interface on a computer or server that can connect to the WebTMA Login Page
  • License for the specific WebTMA Universal Interface module that is enabled and applied to your WebTMA application

This document provides the information on the Universal Interface Setup and Configuration.

The first action involves setting up minimal information in the application and then using this information in the Configuration. Both are described in subsequent topics.

To get started, complete the relevant instructions in Universal Interface Service Installation, and then continue to the specific section for the module or modules you use.

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