The Groups module is used to set Preferences, Privileges, and Access for classifications (Groups) of Users that you consider a unit within WebTMA, such as Data Entry Clerk, Technician, etc. The Tabs on the Groups window are similar to the User Management > Records window.
Creating Groups to grant access by classification saves time, helps you maintain good data, and prevents errors when you create individual User records. Most features described for the Groups window are the same as those for User Management.
The Identity Tab includes a Security Groups Section. If you use SSO authentication, use links on the grid (in Add or Edit mode) to associate the Group with the correct SSO Group.
NOTE: Selections on the Groups / Repair Centers Tab do not grant Repair Center access to members of the Group. Entries on the Tab are used to restrict others' access to User Groups. For this reason, the Repair Centers listed on the Groups / Repair Centers Tab are not inherited by the User Management records for any Users assigned to the Group.
Groups Details
When you make settings on the Window Access Tab and Data Access Tab for a Group, the settings apply to any Users assigned to that Group.
Most features described for the User Management Window Access Tab, Data Access Tab, and Mobile Access Tab are available for Groups. The Group settings take precedence over all other User records. Group level restrictions for Window Access, Data Access, and Preferences override any access granted by other Groups or User records. See Groups Rules for complete information about precedence.
The Managed Resources Tab is visible if your organization uses Pending Charges Dispute (available with WebTMA Plus Advanced Accounting module). A similar Managed Resources Tab is available for individual Users. The Groups version has only one access column, Allowed Access, which shows whether access is granted or denied at the Group level.
The My Dashboard Tab is used to assign one or more Tabs on My Dashboard to the Group.
After you add a Group record, Group members (Users, Technicians, etc.) can be added from the Groups / Identity Tab–Users Section. You also have the option of assigning a Group to an individual User record from the Admin > User Management > Records / Groups Tab.
Groups Rules
Assigning Group membership to Users can speed the process of creating User records and assigning permissions. The Group rules are as follows:
- A person can belong to one or more Groups.
- A Group can be established with permissions for specific Privileges, Preferences, Menus, Windows, and Data.
- A Group cannot contain another Group.
- All Group permissions and restrictions are inherited by each Group member. For example, if the Group has rights to a Facility, then all Group members have rights to that Facility. If the Group is part of a Repair Center, then all Group members also belong to that Repair Center.
- A Denied or None setting takes precedence when more than one Group is assigned to a User. If permission is granted in one Group and the User is assigned to a second Group that denies the Privilege or Preference, the User is denied permission. Use Denied only if the Users in a Group should not have access to a particular function.
The following table illustrates how the denied principle works for members of several Groups. This assumes that no settings have been made for a member of the Group from the User record.
Group 1 Settings | Group 2 Settings | Permission to User | |
Window A | Not Determined | Granted | Granted |
Window B | Granted | Denied or None | Denied |
Window C | Denied or None | Not Determined | Denied |
NOTE: To distinguish between general options and more restrictive options, WebTMA uses Preferences settings (general options) and Privileges settings (more restrictive). If a Preference value does not exist on the User’s record, it is loaded from the first Group (alphabetically) with a value for that Preference.
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