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Requestor Preferences - WebTMA 7

When you select a Role of Requestor, the following Preferences and Privileges are available.

In WebTMA, click the Description heading to sort alphabetically, or use the filter  icon on the Description heading to search for terms.

Automatically Open Print Dialog for Reports

When granted, the Print Dialog flyout always opens so the Requestor can select the desired printer for a hard copy.

Clear Info on Login

When granted, the Service Request window opens in Add mode with information from the previous request removed.

Create Private Queries Only

For Requestors who can create queries, this limits the query to their personal use.

Date Format

Select the Requestor's preferred date format from the options available: dd.MM.yyyy; dd/MM/yyyy; MM/dd/yyyy; or yyyy/MM/dd.

Default Print Size

Select the default size paper in your printer such as A4 or 8-1/2 x 11. This is the default that shows on the Report Properties flyout when this User creates a new report Layout and clicks the Properties button.

Default Private Queries Only

Granting this Preference sets the default to limit queries to private when created by this Requestor.

Default Report Format

Select the usual format for this Requestor's reports such as .pdf, .html, and Excel.

Default Request Portal Form

When the Requestor is granted access to a Service Request Form, select the appropriate form in this field.

Disable Cookie

When the option is granted, the following fields are not stored in a Cookie and pre-populated with previously stored values when the next request is submitted: Requestor Name, Requestor Email, Requestor Phone, Department, Repair Center, Request Type, Account, and Copy To.

Disable Browse

When granted, Records on the Navigation Panel is disabled for the Requestor.

Filter Task by Repair Center

This applies to Service Request Forms. If granted, only Tasks that are marked Available for Request Forms on the Task / Identity Tab are available for selection. In addition, the Task must link to a Repair Center that matches the Repair Center selected by the Requestor on the Service Request.

Show Complete History

Grant this Preference to allow a Requestor to see the history of all Work Orders regardless of the Requestor's data access. The history is visible from the common Work Orders Tab found on many windows. Requestors can click the Work Order number to open the Work Order window in a separate Tab, and review the work done for a particular item.

Time Format (12h/24h)

Select either 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour for the time format used.

Time Zone

Select the Technician's time zone. In the database, all date-time fields on records created by Technicians are stored as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The application checks three hierarchy levels: User Management, Client Info, and default (U.S. Central Time zone). A time zone set for a User Management record has priority over the Client Info time zone. If your organization spans different time zones, setting a Technician Time Zone assures an accurate reflection of local time. For example, if Technician A is set for GMT-06:00 and Technician B is set for GMT-05:00, each Technician will see his or her own time zone reflected in date/time fields.



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