When you select a Role of Admin or User, the following Preferences and Privileges are available.
In WebTMA, click the Description heading to sort lines alphabetically, or use the filter icon on the Description heading to search for terms.
Allow to Cancel Work Order
The Cancel WO link on the Work Order window Action Menu can be used when this Preference is granted. For mobileTMA GO and WebTMA GO Users, the same line is available on the Mobile Access Tab–Mobile Preferences Section.
Allow to Close Projects
This Preference applies when your organization uses the optional Project module in WebTMA. When granted, the User can close Project records.
Allow Invoice Matching
When this Preference is granted, the optional Invoicing module can be used on a PO-by-PO basis.
Allow to Modify Master Program
The User with this Preference granted can edit and change existing Custodial Master Programs created in Organization > Lookups > Custodial Programs. The Preference is restricted to high level managers when your organization uses the optional Custodial for Service Providers module.
Allow to Modify Master Task
Grants the User permission to make changes to Task records marked as Master Task on the Organization > Task > Identity Tab.
Allow to Populate Work Order Close Date
Unless this Preference is granted, the User cannot enter a date in the Closed Date field on the Work Order / Identity Tab.
Allow to Populate Work Order Finish Date
Unless this Preference is granted, the User cannot enter a date in the Finish Date field from the Work Order / Identity Tab.
Allow to Receive Purchase Order
Grant this Preference to provide a partition between Users that create Purchase Orders and Users that receive them. Since the Receive function is located on the Action Menu of the Purchase Order window, you can restrict the view of the PO window to read-only while allowing access to the Receiving flyout.
Allow Unreceiving for Purchase Orders
Grant this Preference to give the User permission to use the Unreceive link on the Action Menu of the Receivings window.
Allow View of Technician HR Tab
Grant to give the User permission to view the HR Tab on the Technician window (Organization > Repair Center > Technician / HR).
ArcGIS Online Password
If your organization subscribes to this service, enter the Password.
ArcGIS Online Username
If your organization subscribes to this service, enter the User name.
Automatically Open Print Dialog for Reports
When granted, the Print Dialog flyout always opens so the User can select the desired printer for a hard copy.
Batch Close Work Order
This Preference allows the User to close several Work Orders using the WO Browse function.
Cancel Receiving Batch
This Preference is available for licensed Users of mobileTMA GO for Android or iOS or for WebTMA GO. It grants the User permission to cancel a receiving batch from the Receiving Staging window.
Clear Info on Login
When granted, the Request Log window opens in Add mode with information from the previous Request removed.
Create Linked WO
Grant this Preference if the User has permission to create linked Work Orders. Linked Work Orders are used when more than one Repair Center is responsible for work. Since a Work Order can have only one Repair Center, a User can create a linked Work Order when the initial Repair Center has performed its portion of the work and it is time to forward the job to a different Repair Center.
Create Private Queries Only
For users who can create queries, this limits the query to their personal use.
Date Format
Select the User's preferred date format from the options available: dd.MM.yyyy; dd/MM/yyyy; MM/dd/yyyy; or yyyy/MM/dd.
Default Private Queries Only
Granting this Preference sets the default to limit queries to private when created by this User. This is similar to the Admin > Client Info / Preference option to Default New Queries to Private.
Default Print Size
Select the default size paper in your printer such as A4 or 8-1/2 x 11. This is the default that shows on the Report Properties flyout when this User creates a new report Layout and clicks the Properties button.
Default Report Format
Select the usual format for this user's reports such as .pdf, .html, and Excel.
Default Request Portal Form
This field applies to Requestor licensees. Select the Service Request Form that this Requestor will see when using the Requestor Login.
Delete or Modify All Documents
When given this Preference, the User can edit or remove any files from Linked Documents on the Navigation Panel.
Display Key Bitting
This option applies to the optional Keys module and allows the User to see the Bitting Code for a key. This is sensitive information and should be restricted to trusted employees.
Enable Fixed / Floating PM Buttons
When granted, the User has permission to set PMs to either fixed or floating.
Generate PM
This option controls the Check PM link on the Work Order window Action Menu. If granted, the Action Menu link is enabled.
Hide Labor Cost
When granted, the User cannot see any labor costs on the Work Order / Costs Tab, Quick Post Cost window, Quick Post Time & Labor window, or in any reports that normally show labor costs. Either the columns related to labor costs are hidden or the fields are blank. If you use the optional UFI module, the option is automatically granted for Users imported from Banner so their group access determines their WebTMA group data access.
Invoice Override
Grant if the User who matches invoices is also allowed to approve the invoice even if the numbers do not match.
Prevent Modification to Posted Transactions
When this is granted, the User cannot make changes to posted transactions.
Prevent Modify Make Model from Biomed
When this Preference is granted, the User cannot alter the Make/Model record from the Biomed Equipment record.
Prevent Modify Make Model from Equipment
When this Preference is granted, the User cannot alter the Make/Model record from the Equipment record.
Prevent WO Close Without Labor
If granted, this Preference prevents the User from entering a date in the Closed Date field for a Work Order when no labor line has been entered. This requirement also applies to Contractor costs. The restriction is applicable to the following windows: Work Order, WO Browse, QP Materials, QP Other Charges, QP Contractor Cost, and QP Cost. These rules apply to a Work Order Task Completion Date as well. The Work Order Redirect function is exempt from the rules.
Prevent WO Finish Without Labor
If granted, this Preference prevents the User from entering a date in the Finish Date field for a Work Order when no labor line has been entered. This requirement also applies to Contractor costs. The restriction is applicable to the following windows: Work Order, WO Browse, QP Materials, QP Other Charges, QP Contractor Cost, and QP Cost. These rules apply to a Work Order Task Finish Date as well. The Work Order Redirect function is exempt from the rules.
RI-Allow Close Area
If granted, the Close check box on the optional RI Inspection Area Edit flyout (found from Organization > Areas > RI Inspection) is enabled. This allows an inspection area to be closed regardless of whether any points were inspected. This has the same value as the RI-Allow Forced Closure setting on the Mobile Access Tab.
RI-Suppress WO Creation
For those that have the optional Room Inspection module, grant this Preference if you do not want to generate an automatic Work Order after marking the inspection.
Send Manual Customer Survey
Grant this option to allow the User to send a Manual Customer Survey from the Work Order Action Menu.
Show Complete History
Grant this Preference to allow a User to see the history of all Work Orders regardless of the User's data access. The history is visible from the common Work Orders Tab found on many windows. Users can click the Work Order number to open the Work Order window in a separate Tab, and review the work done for a particular item.
Time Format (12h/24h)
Select either 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour for the time format used.
Time Zone
Select the User's time zone. In the database, all date-time fields on records created by Users are stored as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The application checks three hierarchy levels: User, Client Info, and default (U.S. Central Time zone). A time zone set for a User record has priority over the Client Info time zone. If your organization spans different time zones, setting a User Time Zone assures an accurate reflection of local time. For example, if User A is set for GMT-06:00 and User B is set for GMT-05:00, each User will see his or her own time zone reflected in date/time fields
Update Backlog from Work Order Scheduler
If this is granted, the User has permission to reschedule lines from the Backlog flyout and add the line to a Technician's current schedule on the Scheduler window.
Update Base
For organizations that use the Capital Planning module, grant this Preference to allow the User the privilege to update the base.
Update Due Date from Work Order Browse
Grant this Preference to give the User permission to make changes to the Work Order Due Date from the WO Browse window.
View Training Survey Result
Grant to enable the View Survey Result link on the Transactions > Training > Class window for Users who are allowed to see Training Survey Results.
Admin/User Privileges
Click Description in the heading to sort alphabetically.
Allow to Approve Time Card
If this Privilege is granted, the Action Menu link, Approve Time Entries, is enabled on the Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance window. This relates to the Time Card Approval function in WebTMA.
Allow to Delete Meter Reading
Grant this Privilege if the User is allowed to delete the last meter reading entered. Only Users with this Privilege can delete a meter reading.
Allow Dispute
For WebTMA Plus, if your organization employs the Pending Charges Review/Dispute feature, grant a User permission to mark charges for dispute and further review.
Allow Purging of Archived Records
Grant this Privilege to allow the User to purge archived records.
Allow Work Order Signoff
Grant this Privilege if the User is allowed to use the Supervisor Signoff link on the Work Order Action Menu.
Change Password
Allow the User to change his or her password.
Allow Modification to Closed Work Order
Grants the User rights to delete the Closed Date on a Work Order and edit the record.
View Any Request
Gives the User permission to view all Request records.
Schedule PM
Grants the User permission to set up PM Schedules.
Show Personal Info in Technician Window
Use caution when granting this Privilege. It gives the User access to confidential and sensitive information about Technicians.
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