In WebTMA GO, photos are found on the Work Order window, and scanning functions are available from the keypad.
Documents and images that download to WebTMA GO originate from Work Order records in the main application as well as from records linked to those Work Orders. For example, a Work Order in the main application may have no attached images or linked documents, but in WebTMA GO that same Work Order shows both images and documents. In the main application, look at items and locations (Facility, Building, etc.) that are linked to the Work Order, these show the source of the documents or images listed in WebTMA GO.
Linked Documents Tab
The Linked Documents Tab on the Work Order window in WebTMA GO relates to Linked Documents on the Action Menu of many windows in the main application. As long as you are connected via WiFi or Cellular, you can view these documents.
When you tap the Tab, any documents are listed. Tap a line to see the contents of the document.
Linked Photos Tab
The Linked Photos Tab on the Work Order window in WebTMA GO also relates to Linked Documents on the Action Menu of many windows in the main application. As long as you are connected via WiFi or Cellular, you can view these photos.
In addition to viewing an existing photo, you can take photos from this Tab. Note that signatures made using the Take Signature command on the Work Order / Identity option chevron are visible on this Tab as well.
Tap a photo to enlarge the view to the full screen and tap Done at the upper right to return.
To record a photo
- Tap Take Photo to open the camera viewer.
- Position the photo as you want it.
Tap the round button image on the viewer to capture the photo.
Tap Use Photo at the lower right to save the photo or tap Retake to try again.
If you are connected via WiFi or Cellular, your photos are saved to the server when you tap the Use Photo button.
Files are saved in .jpg format. When uploaded, the photos are visible using Linked Documents on the Action Menu.
Depending on your iPad version, the photos may not be right side up when they display in the main application. Experiment with different positions for your iPad lens to correct this.
You can select photos from your iPad camera roll by tapping Photo Library; however, photos taken from the Linked Photos Tab are not saved in your camera roll.
Scan Bar Codes
If you have an iPad Third Generation (iPad 3) or later, you can easily scan bar codes.
When you tap in a field and the keypad displays, look to the right at the top of the keyboard for the Scan button.
After you tap the Scan button, the entire screen shows whatever the camera lens is pointed toward.
Point toward a bar code, position the iPad to bring the bar code into focus, and hold steady for a moment.
WebTMA GO processes the code and translates it to a numeric value. The view automatically changes back to your data entry window and the scanned value displays in the field.
REMINDER: Only certain fields are eligible for bar code scanning.
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