The Work Order window in WebTMA GO provides many options for the Technician to use when reviewing and recording actions.
The information below provides a general understanding of the Work Order / Identity Tab in WebTMA GO and some of the functions that apply. A downloaded Work Order record contains all the information recorded in the main application. Some of this information is shown in WebTMA GO via icons and drop-down windows with the additional information.
Work Order Interface Features
If the location or item includes any issues, the Right-to-Know alert icon displays on the Identity Tab. The Service Interruption
icon and the
Warranty shield may also be visible. Tap any of the icons for more information.
A paperclip with stylized picture icon at the far right above the Action Requested field indicates one or more Linked Documents or Linked Photos. Tap the Linked Documents or Linked Photos Tab to open. These Tabs relate to the Linked Documents section of the navigation panel in the main application, which also includes photos taken from the iPad. See Note below about Linked Documents.
In WebTMA GO, the Finish Date on the Identity Tab is read-only. You can complete it on the Task window. When the record is saved, the field is populated.
NOTE: When Linked Documents for records in the main application that are related to the Work Order are marked as Suppress from Work Order, WebTMA GO respects this suppression and does not download the Linked Document.
Work Order Options
Tap a line on the Work Order List window to open an existing record.
Existing records open in Edit mode ready to make changes if needed. Your user record determines whether you have permission to edit a record other than using the Timer and adding hours from the Tasks Tab.
Tap the chevron next to the Main Menu link on the Work Order window to use the Duplicate (copy), Take Signature, Add Labor Charge, Add Part Charge, Add Other Charge, Add Test Item, Show Bar Code, or Cancel WO features. If you use the optional GIS module, a Show on Map option is also available.
The Duplicate feature is the same as using Copy in the main application. It makes a copy of the existing record to save data entry when the contents of most fields are the same. Make the needed changes, and tap Save on the title bar to add a new record.
When you tap the Take Signature command, a blank window opens and is ready to accept a signature. Signers can use their finger or a soft stylus to write their name. The signature is saved as a photo and visible on the Linked Photos Tab.
Tap the Add Labor Charge, Add Part Charge, Add Other Charge, or Add Test Item to open the related QP Labor, Material, Other, or Test Items window to add the charges or calibration. By design, the Test Items date does not populate the last calibrated date on the maintenance-worthy item in the main application.
Tap the Show Bar Code command to display a bar code of the Work Order number. This is useful when you are collecting Parts at the Warehouse. The warehouse attendant can scan the bar code on your device to charge the Parts to the correct Work Order. The Work Order number displays below the bar code.
The ability to use the Cancel Work Order option is granted by your WebTMA Administrator. Use of this feature does the following:
closes the Tasks and marks them as 'Work Not Done'
closes the Work Order
sets the status of the Work Order to canceled
sends a status change email that states the Work Order was canceled
Once canceled, the screen displays a brief message notifying you, then the application refreshes to the List window and automatically reloads the canceled Work Order where you can verify the Status as canceled and the appropriate Close Dates.
Expanded Location View
The expanded location view on the Work Order / Identity Tab allows you to see the full location description including the Building, Floor, and Area.
Look to the read-only location description field below the selected location and click the ellipsis button at the right to open a drop-down showing the location hierarchy. If you enter an Area # on this window (or change it), the Location ID on the drop-down also changes.
In situations where this options is not needed, the system administrator has the option to hide it.
Item Condition for Maintenance-Worthy Items
When the Work Order is written on a maintenance-worthy item, an Item Condition button is visible on the left side of the item description field. Tap this button to open the Inventory Condition drop-down and review the last recorded condition of the item if required. The fields are read-only.
MWI Item Info View
You can tap an ellipsis button to see details about a maintenance-worthy item from the Work Order / Identity Tab. The is available only for Equipment, Vehicle, Asset, Tool, Entity, Biomed, or IT Equipment item Work Orders.
Tap the ellipsis button at the right of the item description field to open the read-only flyout showing the item details.
NOTE: The ellipsis button is not available when you add a new tag or change an existing tag. This data is loaded once the Work Order saves.
E-mail Requestor from Work Order
If the Work Order record includes a valid e-mail address in the Requestor E-mail field, you can long press on the address field to send a message to the Requestor.
A Send Email window opens addressed to the Requestor so you can send an e-mail message.
Your WebTMA System Administrator may set up an e-mail template to give you a format for your e-mail Subject and Message, but this is not required.
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