Path: Transactions > Training > Training Assignments
Use the Training Assignment window to assign students and Trainers to a Class or to reject requests.
The Query flyout is open in the foreground. You can select the criteria needed to filter the list.
How to Use Query Flyout
The Query flyout is used to filter results of a search. Buttons on the flyout also allow you to save a query for reuse. The Query flyout uses the same features as the Find flyout that displays when you make an Advanced Find Search.
On the Query flyout:
- Select a field and filter parameters. See note below about included in and not included in.
- Choose Add Criteria to select an additional field to filter your search.
- (Optional) Repeat to add more filter conditions.
- (Optional) Select Group Criteria to use AND or OR grouping. The OR Grouping, AND Grouping, and Cancel Grouping options are only available once you have added several criteria lines.
- Choose at least two lines and select either the OR Grouping or AND Grouping to add grouping conditions.
- Select Cancel Grouping to return to the Add Criteria option.
- (Optional) Add a Query Name to keep this query for later use and click Save Query.
- Choose the Find or List Result button to see results, or go to the next topic, How to Set Query Display Columns, to set column order and widths and/or Save Query.
NOTE: The "included in" and "not included in" parameters in some fields allow you to select multiple records to include or exclude from your search. Select the ellipsis button and choose multiple records. At any time, you can use the ellipsis to see or revise all previously selected values.
How to Set Query Display Columns
Use the Display Columns Subtab on the Query flyout to select, delete, and set the order of columns you want displayed as well as the width of the columns. See the note below for exceptions to deleting columns.
- Select the Display Column Subtab.
- Choose the Edit
icon and change the Width of the column.
- Select the check mark
at the left side of the line to save your change.
- Drag-and-drop or use the Up and Down arrows to revise the column sequence.
- (Optional) Choose the Save Query button to preserve these settings for re-use. The Save Query As button allows you to overwrite a previously saved Query.
- Select the Find button to look for records that match your criteria.
NOTE: Some columns are required by the system and cannot be deleted. If the delete icon is missing for a line or lines on the Display Column Subtab, those lines are required.
Training Assignments List
Path: Transactions > Training > Training Assignments
Use the Query flyout to establish your criteria or use a pre-defined query. Click the List Result button to generate a list. Once generated, the list provides an opportunity to:
Review requests
Remove Selected lines from view
Assign Selected requests individually or in Batch (assignment is indicated by a green
Cancel Selected requests for individual or multiple lines (cancellation is indicated by a red
Export the current page or the entire list to an Excel spreadsheet
You can review the icon definitions by clicking the Legend link on the Action Menu.
When you use the Remove Selected button, the line is no longer visible in the list, but the Class Request remains in the database.
Click the Export Current Page or Export All buttons to send the list to an Excel spreadsheet.
Scroll to the right to review more information about requested and assigned Classes.
How to Assign from Training Assignments
To make assignments from the Training Assignments window:
Mark the line item check boxes of all you want to assign.
Select the Batch Assign button.
Complete the Assignment Entry flyout window.
Choose the Save button on the flyout.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all lines checked. WebTMA automatically displays the next line until all are assigned.
An email message of Class assignment is sent to alert the Trainee of the date and time. For the Technician, the system uses the email address saved with the request when entered on the Training Request Entry window. If the Technician's record has an email address, this populates the Training Request Entry window by default.
Once you have made assignments, WebTMA displays a green icon on the list beside each assigned line to show it has been assigned.
How to Cancel from Training Assignments
To cancel lines from the Training Assignments window:
Check the line item boxes of all you want to cancel.
Choose the Cancel Selected button.
Enter the Rejected Reason in the Assignment Entry flyout.
Select the Save button on the flyout.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all lines checked. WebTMA automatically displays the next line until all are canceled.
An email message of cancellation is sent to the email address saved with the request when entered on the Training Request Entry flyout. Be sure to use polite language when canceling the request.
When you cancel assignments, WebTMA displays a red icon on the list beside each canceled line.