How to Add Meter Lines to Utility Bill Invoices - WebTMA 7

The information required to add line items to the Utility Bill Invoice window is different depending on whether the charges are for metered service or other fees. The Meter lines require a Utility Ticket number. Be sure you have entered your billing tickets in Organization > Utility > Utility Ticket before creating the Utility Bill Invoice record.

The following instructions outline how to create a new Utility Bill Invoice record. Until a record is marked Paid, you can add more lines for meters or other charges in Edit mode.

In Add mode on the Utility Bill Invoice window:

  1. Complete the required fields and desired elective fields.
  2. Choose the Add Detail Line link at the top of the grid to open the Detail Entry flyout.
  3. Accept the default Meter radio button selection.
  4. Select entries for the three required fields: Type, Meter, and Utility Ticket.
  5. Choose the Save button.
  6. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

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