From the WebTMA application, the WebTMA System Administrator has the option to change the characteristics or availability of fields or Tabs on a particular window in mobileTMA GO. The changes are made in Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attributes.
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Field Options for mobileTMA GO
Expand a Page Title to show check boxes related to the various field option settings:
Required. Make the field a required entry, and prevent saving a record until the information is provided.
Visible. Show the field or button on the window. If a check box is clear, the field is hidden from everyone's view.
If you hide certain fields on windows in mobileTMA GO, the system automatically repositions the fields in the mobileTMA GO interface to eliminate any "gaps," i.e., all fields slide upward based on the visibility of the fields above.
CAUTION: Hiding system-required fields prevents you from successfully completing an action or saving a record.
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