Requestor/Key Holder Import - WebTMA 7

The Requestor/Key Holder Import Transaction Type requires at least one Repair Center added to the Repair Center Tab.

When you select the Transaction Type, WebTMA automatically loads the required fields in the mapping grid. These lines display a red icon in the left column until the row is mapped to the remote columns in the third-party database.

WebTMA filters the column field selection to prevent duplicate selection. For example, Last Name is not available for selection when you click the Add Column link because it is already selected.

When enabled, the optional Create Key Holder column creates a corresponding Key Holder import from the same data source.

Reminder: The lines that auto-populate the grid are required.

The Server fields are auto-populated using the entries made to the Detail window during Universal Interface Client Service Installation.

WARNING: The Server-related fields can be edited in WebTMA; however, this should only be done by highly qualified personnel. Changes saved here overwrite the contents of the Detail setup windows. It is preferable to make changes to the Detail setup window where you can test your connection.

How to Link Universal Interface Fields for Requestor/Key Holder Import

In order to import Requestor/Key Holder lines, you must link WebTMA fields with fields within your Universal Interface table. By default, all required fields should already have line entries.

From your Universal Interface Setup window in Add/Edit mode:

  1. Complete the required fields.
  2. Click the Add Column link on the grid to open the Entry flyout.
  3. Choose your WebTMA Column.
  4. Select the Remote Column.
  5. Click Save & Add (or Save).
  6. Repeat until required fields and selected elective fields in your Universal Interface table have been matched up.
  7. Add the applicable Repair Center(s) to the Repair Center Tab.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Requestor/Key Holder Import Required Fields

The following fields must be present in your outside database to accomplish a successful import of Requestors or Key Holders to WebTMA. When you add a new Universal Interface template, these required fields are automatically added to the TMA Column. At this point, all you need to do is map them. You can also add any Requestor Import Elective Fields.

  • ID – (text field)
  • First Name – (text field)
  • Last Name – (text field)
  • Repair Center Code – (text field)


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