PM Generation - WebTMA 7

Path: Admin > Batch Management

The PM generation process is a batch operation using Admin > Batch Management. The information is taken from maintenance-worthy item records, Task records, and Repair Center records.

When you set up a batch job to generate PMs, WebTMA recommends that you schedule them to generate frequently rather than overload Technicians with stacks of Work Orders that are not due for a long period of time. Recurring batch jobs can be set to run indefinitely, but they can always be revised if needed.

PM Generation Details

Your WebTMA System Administrator chooses the number of days in advance to generate the PMs by Repair Center; however, you can override the number when generating PMs. The Administrator also specifies the length of the PM Week (7 days for organizations that perform maintenance tasks on weekends, 5 days for those that do not) in the Repair Center / Identity Tab–Preferences Section.

PM Job Generation

If you have a large database, WebTMA recommends you set PM generation hours for times when fewer people are using the application. PMs can be scheduled to run immediately (Manual) or at a time and date in the future (Automatic). Automatic generation does not allow you to edit the list of PMs you want to generate.

Emails are sent to all designated email addresses when a Batch Job runs.

Depending on the permissions granted in your User profile, you can Edit/View or simply View. If you have Edit privileges, you see a number of links in the Add Batch Job Section. Users with view-only privileges are limited to querying for existing jobs and cannot see the links to establish new Batch Jobs.

If you are granted a Generate PM Preference, select the PM Generation link to open the Batch Job Entry flyout and add new Batch Jobs. See How to Schedule Batch Jobs for details.

Your WebTMA System Administrator grants the right to see this page from Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access Tab.

Batch Job Query

To populate the General Information Section on the Batch Job window, select the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid.

This opens a standard WebTMA Query flyout. Like other Query windows in the application, you have the option to set criteria to generate a list of existing Batch Jobs for your review.

PM Scheduling Rules

Scheduling conflicts are avoided by the following rules:

  • Multiple schedules for the same Repair Center cannot be scheduled to run at the same time.
  • A PM schedule for "All Repair Centers" prevents setting any other PM schedule for the same time frame.

Other than these restrictions, you can set future PM generation schedules as often as you want.

How to Schedule Batch Jobs

If you have questions about any of the options on these windows, see PM Generation Options.

  1. Select the PM Generation link in the Batch Management–Add Batch Job Section to open the Batch Job Entry flyout.
  2. Enter the Start Date and Time in the first fields. Batch Jobs are only generated at a time in the future. If you want to generate the job immediately, be sure to set the time a few minutes ahead to allow you time to complete the Next flyout.
  3. Enter additional information such as the Email addresses of people who need to know when the Batch Job runs.
  4. Mark the Recurring Batch Job check box if this is a regular PM you want to run weekly, monthly, etc.
  5. Establish the frequency Interval of Recurring Batch Jobs, such as every 30 days or every 3 months. NOTE: The Manual Selection is not available when you use Recurring Batch Job.
  6. Choose the Next button on the Batch Job Entry flyout.
  7. Accept the default selections or modify the fields, check boxes, and radio buttons on this window. The non-default options narrow the PM search. For example, if you select Trade or Shop on the Other Criteria Tab, WebTMA selects only PM Schedule lines that include the designated Trade or Shop. For definitions of selections, see PM Generation Options.
  8. Choose the Submit button on the window when all selections are made.

PM Generation Options

The choices offered on the second page of the Batch Job Entry flyout help you refine your PMs. The following topics define options in the Sections and Tabs on this window to help you determine choices appropriate for your organization.

Select PM, Item, or Item Type Section

Mark the radio button that meets your needs. In most cases, that will be the default PM Types. When selected, all Types are checked by default. Click the Toggle button to clear the check boxes and mark the ones you want.

Generation Options Section

Days Forward indicates the number of days in advance to generate PM Work Orders—typically this is 7 to 14 days.

The Repair Center / Identity–Preferences Section includes an optional PM Generation field. If you select a Repair Center on the Other Criteria Tab of the Batch Job Entry flyout, any values default from the Repair Center settings. You can modify the values on the Batch Job Entry window if needed.

Mark the Generate All check box to generate a separate PM Work Order for each occurrence during the period specified. For example: If the PM is weekly and the number in the Days forward field is 30, the system will print four work orders. That is, it will generate all the Work Orders to be used during the time period specified.

The Generate All feature does not work if you have marked the Consolidate PM check box in the Repair Center / Identity–Preferences Section. See PM Consolidation for details about this feature.

The Generation Type gives you two options. Automatic generates all PMs without allowing you to review the list. Manual generates a list of PMs for review and selection before generating Work Orders. Note: If the Recurring option was set up on the previous window, Manual is disabled.

Select Location Section

Make selections here to generate PMs for a particular location. If a Building is selected, Facility, Entities and Groups are not generated since they are not linked to Buildings. When you select a location, you do not get a Group option since Groups are multiple location items.

Other Criteria Tab

Use selections on this list to filter the PMs generated by Repair Center and any of the other options on the Tab. You can specify more than one of these filters.

Department Tab

To filter your PMs by Department, select lines in the list. Multiple departments can be selected by using the Ctrl+Shift keys.

Risk Factor Tab

To generate PMs for Equipment or Biomed Equipment with assigned Risk Factors, select the ratings in this field.

PM Manual Selection

If you use Manual Selection, a third Batch Job Entry window opens with a list of the possible PMs to generate.

All Work Orders on the list print unless you clear the check boxes of line items you want to remove. Finally, choose the Finish button.


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