Group Common Tabs - WebTMA 7

Most of the Tabs on the Group window are used throughout the application. The following topics describe these Tabs and their use.


Use the Contractors Tab to associate Contractors who perform work with a record.

How to Add a Contractor to a Record

  1. Select the Contractor Tab.
  2. Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Select the Add Contractor link at the top of the grid.
  4. Choose the Task Type on the Contractor Entry flyout.
  5. Mark the desired check box(es).
  6. Choose the Add Selected button.
  7. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.


The Cost Tab on many location and item records displays the accumulated costs, both current and historical, relating to the record. With the exception of the Work Order / Cost Tab, this is a read-only Tab. Charges accumulate on this window as they are incurred. The values are not dependent on posting charges.

The Year-to-Date values are for your fiscal year and are based on your Fiscal year setting in Admin > Client Info / Preferences.


The PMs Tab contains a list of all PM Tasks assigned to a record. PMs can be assigned from either the Task window (Organization > Task > PMs Tab) or from the PMs Tab for any maintenance-worthy item including Group records. When you edit the PM Schedule Entry flyout, the changes are reflected on both the Task record and item record.

The Meter Based section of the PM Schedule Entry flyout is found only on individual item records. Since one item can have more than one meter, this arrangement assures the proper meter is used for the PM.

An icon and link on the window are available in View and Edit mode. Move the cursor over the color block for a definition. Select the magnifying glass icon to see a read-only PM Schedule Entry flyout with all details about the PM. Choose the Task Code link to open the Task record in a separate browser tab.

How to Add PMs to an Item Record

Create or modify PMs using the PM Schedule Entry flyout on an item's PMs Tab. Information saved to this flyout is also added to the Task / PMs window. The Meter Schedule Section only displays when opened from an individual item.

  1. Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the PMs Tab.
  3. Select the Add PM link at the top of the grid. See note below for Batch Add PM.
  4. Choose the Task Code on the PM Schedule Entry flyout.
  5. Complete the required fields and any elective fields needed.
  6. Select the Save button.
  7. Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

NOTE: When you choose Batch Add PM, an initial display on the PM Schedule Entry flyout allows you to select a number of Task Codes that will apply. When you mark Tasks and select the Next button, you can set the details about the PM Schedule for the selected Tasks.

How to Edit Item Record PM Details

If you wish to change the Task Code or other PM details, you can select the pencil icon to edit a line.

Changes added to an item record are also added to the Task / PMs window. You have the option to select multiple lines and apply changes to all at one time. To change more than one PM line at a time:

  1. Select Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Mark the check boxes for all lines you want to change.
  3. Choose the Edit Selected link to open the PM Schedule Entry flyout. Notice that the item selection fields shows "Multiple Selected."
  4. Make changes to the fields as needed.
  5. Select the Save button on the flyout.
  6. Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Add Meters to Item PMs Tab

Meters can only be added to the PMs Tab of the individual item record. The difference between the Task / PMs Tab and the Item PMs Tabs is the additional Meter Schedule Section.

An item can have more than one meter assigned; therefore, the meter-based fields are available only from the individual item records.

The following instructions assume the PMs have previously been set up from the Task window. You can also add the entire PM from the item record. On an item PMs Tab:

  1. Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the pencil icon for a line item to open the PM Schedule Entry flyout.
  3. Complete the Meter Schedule Section. Fields are defined below.
  4. Choose the Save button
  5. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Meter Schedule Fields

Assigned Meter a meter associated with an item. Unless you add meters to the Meters Tab of an item record, you cannot create a meter based PM.

Last PM Meter a read-only field that displays the meter reading at the last PM.

Meter Calculation when WO completes mark the check box if you want the Next PM Meter value to be recalculated based on the Reading entered when the PM work order is closed. The calculation uses the Reading and adds it to the required Meter Interval when you enter readings from either the Quick Post Meters window or when you click Post Meter Reading on the Work Order Action Menu. See Example at end of this list.

Meter Interval the numeric interval between PMs. For example, if oil changes are to occur every 3000 miles, then 3000 is entered in this field.

Next PM Meter the ideal meter reading when the next PM is due. See the next definition, Percent Margin.

Percent Margin since it is difficult to perform a PM exactly when a meter reaches the average count, this number is the allowable margin such as 5% used to determine the next PM.

Proj Next Date enter the projected date that you estimate the next PM meter reading will be reached.

Example of Meter Calculation when WO Completes:

Meter Interval = 1000 and Last PM Meter = 2000, which would make the Next PM Meter = 3000.

HOWEVER, the PM is performed at 500. With this check box marked, the Next PM Meter value is recalculated as 3500.

Repair Centers

Use the Repair Centers Tab to associate one or more Repair Centers with a record. Only users that are assigned to the associated Repair Center(s) can see and use the record.

You are reminded to assign a Repair Center if you attempt to save a new record without selecting at least one Repair Center. Without a linked Repair Center, no one can view the record or assign work to an employee or for an item.

How to Affiliate a Repair Center with a Record

You can add as many Repair Centers as needed to a record. In Add or Edit mode:

  1. Select the Repair Center Tab.
  2. Choose the Add Repair Center link at the top of the grid to open the Repair Center Entry flyout.
  3. Mark the check boxes of all applicable Repair Centers. Tip: To select All Repair Centers, mark the check box next to the label Repair Center Code.
  4. Select the Add Selected button.
  5. Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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