Path: Organization > Asset > Records / Identity Tab
Use the Asset / Identity Tab to record information about the Asset including manufacturer, location, model numbers, specifications, and a detailed description of the item.
You can create a Work Order related to this Asset by clicking the Create WO link on the Action Menu.
How to Add Asset Records
- Open the Asset window.
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Complete all the required fields. See note below regarding the Tag #.
- Complete applicable elective fields.
- Click the Repair Centers Tab.
- Add the applicable Repair Centers—at least one.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
NOTE: Your System Administrator has the option to use auto-counter for new Asset records. If so, the system will automatically include a Tag #.
Additional Information and Specifications
The Additional Information Section and Specifications Section on the Asset / Identity Tab give you the option to include many details about the Asset. The Additional Information Section focuses on information such as warranty, inventory, and longitude/latitude. The Specifications Section is concerned with information about the Asset itself, such as size, color, and weight.
The Comments Section is a free-form field used to record additional information or ongoing details about the related record. Comments fields are found in many modules, usually in a section near the bottom of the Identity Tab. If the Comment is long, click the icon on the right to open a Comment flyout and read the entire text.
Popup Message
The Popup Message field is used to add a short (255 character) message about a record. The Popup Message then opens in a flyout on the Request or Work Order windows when the item or location is selected.
Use of the Popup Message field is not required. It is available to add quick reminders regarding anything unusual that concerns the item or location.
Messages written for any location record apply to all locations within that hierarchy; therefore, a message from the Facility record displays when the related Area is selected. If an item has a message and is associated with locations that also have messages, the Popup Message displays all the eligible location messages as well as the item message.
The Work Order and Request windows that include items or locations with Popup Messages display a blue pushpin icon to alert you to the presence of the messages. Click the pushpin to open a window that lists all relevant messages. In addition, it displays when you convert a Request to a Work Order or a Project Task to a Work Order.