IT Equipment Identity Tab - WebTMA 7

Path: Organization > IT Equipment > Records / Identity Tab

Use the IT Equipment / Identity Tab to record primary information about the IT Equipment including purchase, location, and any relationship to other hardware or software.

IT Equipment Details

Date, status, lapse time and other inventory information can be reviewed when you click Tracking on the Action Menu. WebTMA tracks dates entered as well as when dates are deleted.

The Hardware and Software Sections on the window are used to add related details about an item. For specifics about the Sections on the IT Equipment / Identity Tab, see Identity Tab Sections.

NOTE: Create a Work Order related to the IT Equipment item by clicking the Create WO link on the IT Equipment window Action Menu.

How to Add IT Equipment Records

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Enter the Tag #. When determining the style of your Tag #, try to include abbreviations that are easily recognized, such as SV-01 for a server. Tag numbers are limited to thirty alphanumeric characters.
  3. Type a Description of the IT Equipment item.
  4. Type or select the Facility Name. You can also add the Location ID, or use the down arrows in the Building, Floor, and Area fields.
  5. Select the Type Desc. Types are set up before you enter the IT Equipment record.
  6. Include as many elective fields as possible.
  7. Go to the other Sections to add related details.
  8. Click the Repair Center Tab if visible to add the Repair Centers responsible for maintenance of IT Equipment.
  9. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

NOTE: If you want to look at related location records such as Buildings, Floors, or Areas, click any label that is underlined to open the record. Tip: Right-click the underlined label, select your choice of Open Link options, and open related records in a new window or browser tab without closing the IT Equipment window.


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