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Entity - WebTMA 7

Path: Organization > Entity / Identity

Entity records contain information and maintenance requirements for nonstructural components such as parking lots, sidewalks, grounds, benches, and fountains.

Entity items can be grouped, have scheduled planned maintenance, and can be connected to Work Orders. These nonstructural items are associated with a Facility.

As Work Order activity occurs, life-to-date (LTD) and year-to-date (YTD) accumulative information rolls up to the Cost Tab.

Once an Entity record is associated with other records in the software, it cannot be deleted. If the actual Entity is removed or destroyed, the record must be kept for referential and historical integrity. Clear the Active check box to flag the record as inactive. Inactive Entity items are not available in selection windows, and Work Orders cannot be written for them.

The Prevent Archival check box is available with the optional purchase Archive & Purge module. This gives you the option to prevent certain records from being archived. You can mark particular records as being ineligible for archiving. For example, fountains can last decades, and you want to track work orders and other records for their lifetime.

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