Divisions - WebTMA 7

Path: Organization > Divisions

Division is an optional hierarchy level. It is the highest reporting level in the hierarchy — similar to a national or international office.

Add new Division records using the Division / Identity Tab.

If you use the optional Contract Management module, the Contractor Tab is available to associate outside contractors who perform work for the Division.

The read-only Cost Tab displays the number of Work Orders, hours, and costs for labor, parts, other, and contractors for the current year and the previous two years. The current year costs for both year-to-date (YTD) and month-to-date (MTD) are also included on this Tab. The amounts are taken from the Work Order records.

The Total View Tab of the Division window shows all the locations in the hierarchy starting with the Division, which is the highest level.

TIP: If used, the Division level is the highest level. Ultimately all costs roll up to this level.


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