Path: Transactions > Project > Project Requisition
The Project Requisition is used to submit a request for the purchase of goods and services that are specific to a Project and are not typically an inventory item.
The window records these expenses, which can be posted using the Accounting > Post Charges windows.
All records entered from the Project Requisition window are displayed on the Project record in the Project > Costs & Budgeting–Project Requisition section.
WebTMA Plus includes a tiered set of accounts on the Billing Info Tab.
Project Requisition Identity Tab
In appearance, the Project Requisition window resembles the Purchase Requisition window.
The Project Requisition window also includes separate lines in the Item Details Section to display totals for both the estimated and actual costs.
How to Add Project Requisitions
Follow these steps to create and save a requisition for Project purchases.
- Choose Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select the required fields in the General Information section.
- Complete elective fields as needed.
- Select the Add Item link on the Item Details Section.
- Complete the Project Requisition Item Entry flyout. The Item Description field is a free-form text field to describe the item in detail.
- Choose the Save button on the Project Requisition Item Entry flyout.
- Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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