Request Templates for Projects - WebTMA 7

Requests made from the Request Log or the Events* window can be converted to Projects. Using a template allows you to reuse the Tasks & Resources as well as other information assigned to a Project record and to apply new dates.

When a Request is accepted, the person with approval power has the option to apply a Request Template if Request Templates have been created from the Project window.

Your WebTMA System Administrator has the option to show or hide the Request Template check box from Admin > Form Attributes. The field can also be included in reports.

* If you have the optional Events module.

Details for Using Project Templates

Data from the template is also added during the conversion process providing it has not been added manually before the template is applied. The template data includes Repair Centers, Type, Subtype, Account #, Department, Contractor, Project Manager, Priority, Site, Description, Fund, System, Sub-system, Parent Project, and Comment. Much of the template data does not display until you view the record from the Project window.

Existing Projects can be designated as Templates. A Project record is easily turned into a Request Template by marking the Request Template check box on the Controls section.

The following message alerts you if you attempt to edit a template, “This project has been marked as a template.”

During the approval process from the Request or Batch Validation windows, the approver can complete fields on the Request Validation window before he or she applies a template. Information from the template does not overwrite fields that have been populated previously.

If the Tasks & Resources Tab on a template includes Estimated Start and Estimated End dates, these dates are shifted proportionally as long as you have indicated Start Date and End Date for the new Project. These dates shift by the same number of days compared to the template start/end dates.

For example, assume a template Start Date is 1/2/22 and the End Date is 3/31/22 with an Estimated Start for a Task of 2/1/22 and Estimated End of 2/15/22. When you apply this template and include a Project Start Date as 6/1/23 and End Date as 9/30/23, the Estimated Start for the Task is now 7/1/23 and Estimated End is 7/15/23. This is similar to the behavior of copied Project records.

Without dates present, the dates do not shift from those on the template. Of course, these dates can be added or changed manually on the new Project record.


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