Path: Transactions > Quick Post > Quick Post Utility Meters
Use the Quick Post Utility Meters window to update the reading for any metered utility if you have purchased the optional Utilities module.
Readings posted here display on the Organization > Utility > Utility Meter / Readings Tab. The Tab is read-only.
Remember to use Save on the WebTMA toolbar every few records. Until you save, data entered is not stored in the database. A momentary loss of power could result in a significant amount of time spent re-entering data unless you save often.
How to Quick Post Utility Meters
Use this window to post utility readings for the optional Utility module. The window opens with the QP Utility Meter Reading Entry flyout in Add mode and ready for data.
Accept or change the Date.
Select the Technician, Utility Service, and Meter.
Enter the new Reading.
Choose the Save & Add button.
Use caution with the Increment Current Value check box. With this feature, the number in the Reading field is added to the previous reading rather than replacing it.
Line items display in the background Quick Post Utility Meters window as you enter and save more data.
After you add a few records, choose Save on the flyout to view the line items. You can edit or delete line items until you use Save on the WebTMA toolbar. Once you save the records, WebTMA writes the information to the database and clears lines from the window. Choose the Add Meter Reading link at the top of the grid to re-open the flyout and continue adding line items.
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