Path: Transactions > Quick Post > Quick Post Time & Labor
Use this window to post time spent for either direct or indirect activities. Direct time pertains to work performed. Indirect time includes activities such as meetings, holidays, sick time, and vacation time. The window accommodates both individual Technicians and Crews.
From this window, you can post Time & Labor to a number of records from one place without opening each record separately.
Remember to select Save on the WebTMA toolbar every few records. Until saved, the data you enter is not stored in the database. A momentary loss of power could result in a significant amount of time spent re-entering data unless you save often.
Quick Post Time & Labor Details
By default, the No Charge check box is clear to indicate the costs are chargeable; however, if the costs for a Work Order are not chargeable, be sure to mark it.
If you use Rate Schedules, the display grid includes a Charge column and an icon if a Rate Schedule is applied. Like the icon on the Work Order window, a tool tip indicates whether the Rate Schedule is derived from the hierarchy or manual entry.
When you change the Technician ID and tab out of the field, WebTMA overwrites the Account # associated with the previous Technician and replaces the value with the account number for the new Technician. This is an exception to the standard rule; normally, WebTMA does not overwrite data in a field once it is entered. Note: If the new Technician does not have an account entered on the Technician record, the number for the previous Technician continues to display in the Account # field.
How to Quick Post Direct Time & Labor
Posting a batch of Work Orders to this window yields the same results as posting hours to the Work Order / Costs–Labor Section. The Quick Post Time & Labor window opens with a display of the Quick Post Time & Labor Entry flyout ready for data entry:
- Select the Work Order # and the system completes many of the required fields.
- Complete the other required fields.
- Complete applicable elective fields.
- (Optional) Use the fields in the Completion section if you are closing the Work Order.
- Enter Comments about the work.
- Choose the Save & Add button.
Line items display in the background Quick Post Time & Labor window as you enter and save more data.
After you add a few records, choose Save to view the line items. You can edit or delete line items until you select Save on the WebTMA toolbar. Once you save the records, WebTMA writes the information to the database and clears lines from the window. Choose the Add Labor link at the top of the grid to re-open the entry window and continue adding line items.
How to Quick Post Indirect Time & Labor
When you omit the Work Order #, you can use this window to enter indirect time and track hours spent in activities such as meetings, vacation time, and sick time. When you leave the Work Order # field blank, WebTMA assumes you are entering indirect time. On the Quick Post Time & Labor Entry flyout:
- Select the Technician and Trade.
- Enter the number of indirect Hours.
- Select the Time Type Code.
- Choose the Save & Add button.
Line items display in the background Quick Post Time & Labor window as you enter and save more data.
After you add a few records, choose Save on the flyout to view the line items. You can edit or delete line items until you select Save on the WebTMA toolbar. Once you save the records, WebTMA writes the information to the database and clears lines from the window. Choose the Add Labor link at the top of the grid to re-open the Quick Post Time & Labor Entry flyout and continue adding line items.