AP Payment Window - WebTMA 7

Path: Accounting > Accounts Payable Invoice > AP Payment

The AP Payment window tracks payment of debts for the following transactions:

  • Purchase Orders

  • Project Requisitions

  • Utility Tickets

  • Work Orders

AP Payment Rules

The invoices tracked depend on selections made for your organization in Client Info / Preferences. Transactions allowed for payments have some restrictions.

  • Purchase Orders must be matched or match overridden.

  • Only chargeable Project Requisitions are eligible.

  • Utility Tickets must be chargeable and the meter must be Master or Standard.

AP Payment Specifics

Transactions are filtered by Vendor and authorized by the Technician. The Account # is the account used to make payments.

You can record payments made by check/voucher, credit/debit card, or credit memo. For security reasons, only 12 characters are stored for credit/debit cards.

Partial payments can be added to the Payment column for one or more Invoice Detail lines in the grid. The partial payments must equal the value in the Payment Amount field in the General Information Section of the window. Regardless of the amount you enter in the Payment column, WebTMA automatically adjusts the last payment entered in the grid so the total of the Payment column matches the amount in the Payment Amount field. For example, if the Payment Amount field shows 250, and you enter 50 in the first two lines and then enter 200 in a third line, WebTMA changes the last value from 200 to 150 (50 + 50 + 150 = 250).

If the value in the Payment Amount field is greater than the total of the detail lines, a credit memo is automatically generated by the system for the difference.

Editing AP Payments

Saved records cannot be edited unless they have been canceled.

If a record has not been canceled previously, it can be canceled by clicking the Cancel link on the Action Menu.

Records can only be canceled if they do not have an applied credit memo. If a credit memo exists and has been applied to a different payment, the second payment must also be canceled prior to the record you want to cancel.

Individual lines can also be canceled. Once the line has been canceled, the system will total the amounts canceled and apply a new credit memo to this payment.

How to Add AP Payment

In Add mode:

  1. Complete the General Information Section. Note your radio button selection (Check/Voucher, etc.) determines the fields in the Payment Info Section.

  2. Click the Add Detail Line link to open the Payment Detail Entry flyout.

  3. Clear the invoice type check boxes that do not apply.

  4. Make a Filter By Repair Center selection.

  5. Click the Load Transactions button.

  6. Check the desired transaction lines.

  7. Click the Save button on the flyout.

  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The payment amount must be equal to or greater than the total of the lines on the payment record. Partial payments are not accepted.


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