Path: Accounting > Universal Financial > UFI Template Setup
Templates are used to send information to the external accounting system, and the Template selections will populate the columns of the database or the flat file. The UFI Template Setup window is used to determine the position and characteristics of columns for identified Templates. You can have a number of different Templates.
Template Setup Details
If you plan to import directly to a table (Insert in Table illustrated in How to Determine UFI Template Assignment), make certain that the number of columns in the following are equal:
Number of Header lines
Number of Line Item lines
Number of Footer lines
For example, if you have 2 columns, your Header Columns must equal 2. Note that you can omit Header columns to avoid confusion since these are not imported. There is only one Header per document if the Header Row is defined.
The Position column is calculated or recalculated depending on the number added in the length field.
Important: Code and Ledger Group can be included in a Header (given a value of H) or line items (given a value of L). You will probably opt to use one or other. The Code is required.
The Footer Columns Section is available to summarize the General Ledger transactions. The Column Entry flyout includes Total Amount, which is useful for some output situations.
When you set up your Template, one of the available column types is Constant. If you include Constant, WebTMA will export any values that are in the Default column on the template. See Appendix A for definitions of all options.
The System Date column type includes both date and time. If you select System Date as one of your columns, WebTMA uses the following hierarchy to determine the time zone value:
User record
Admin > Client Info / Preferences
UTC (Universal Time Code)
If you insert an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the Value column, the output will be capitalized. When the Batch Job Service runs, WebTMA checks to see if the first character of the Value column contains an asterisk. If an asterisk is the first character, the asterisk is removed, and the output is capitalized. For example, if the date format is dd-MMM-yyyy, the output will be 12-DEC-2015 instead of the standard output of 12-Dec-2015.
The asterisk can be used in any column, but if the value contains numbers only, no visual difference displays.
If your setup includes Debit/Credit, UFI checks the Value for a vertical bar ( | ) character. If the Value column contains a vertical bar ( | ) in the Debit/Credit row, then UFI interprets everything before the bar as the flag for Debits and everything after the bar as the flag for Credits. For example, a value of DE|CR would flag the debits as DE while the credits would be flagged as CR.
When you select Trans Amount in your setup, it supports an Absolute Value function. To enable the Absolute value, the Value column of the Trans Amount row needs to contain a minus ( - ) character. When UFI exports data using this feature, any negative numbers return the Absolute Value and the Debit/Credit flag is switched. For example, a Debit of -1200.00 becomes a Credit of 1200.00.
CAUTION: When you select a date column, be sure to edit the entry and define the date format using the format that is accepted by your accounting package. For example, PeopleSoft accepts mmddyyyy; however, the default in WebTMA is dd-mm-yyyy. Use the list of format expressions in Appendix B, and edit your format to fit your needs. Note that the date formats are case sensitive.
How to Set Up a UFI Template
This window is used to determine the position and characteristics of columns for identified templates. For a definition of each selection in the Column Entry flyout, see Appendix A.
The following instructions apply to the Header Column or Line Column Sections. Remember to set up entries in both Sections. As a reminder, Date columns need to be edited as described in the Caution note in Template Setup Details.
Click Add on the WebTMA Toolbar.
Enter the Code - up to 10 alphanumeric characters - to identify the Template.
(Optional) Enter the Ledger Group, Description, and Comments.
Click the Add Column link in the Header Columns Section to open the Column Entry flyout. The selections on the flyout derive from Segments you have created previously.
Check the columns desired.
Click the Save button on the flyout.
Edit line items to change or add values. See How to Edit UFI Template Lines for instructions.
Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
NOTE: If you include Constant, WebTMA exports any values that are in the Default column on the template.
How to Edit UFI Template Lines
You can add or change the Sequence, Length, Value and Default values after you have selected and saved the columns.
In Add or Edit mode:
Click the Up or Down arrows to change the Sequence.
Make changes in the fields that are open on the line.
Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
See UFI Template Format Options for information about formatting values and strings.
UFI Template Format Options
The character entered in the Value column depends on your organization's financial policies. Once you determine the policy, add the appropriate indicator to the Value column for each line item in the UFI Template Setup window.
WebTMA only supports the following indicators:
- D
- C
- +
- -
If you choose the minus (-) indicator, the symbol is only used if the line is a credit. If the line is a debit, no indicator is given.
On the other hand, if the plus (+) indicator is selected, a minus (-) indicator shows if the line is a credit and a plus (+) shows if the line is a debit.
To remove a decimal point from numeric values, set the value of the column in the UFI Template Setup to 0D (that is, a numeric zero and alpha D). This only applies to numeric columns, i.e., Data Type = N. For example, with a 0D setting, a value of 14.23 becomes 1423.
To truncate a character string from right to left, set the value of the UFI Template Setup column to RL. This only applies to columns that contain strings, i.e., Data Type = C. As an example, transaction number PP 20130001235415 with a length of 8 would have a truncated value of PP-20130; however, if you apply RL to the string, the value is 01235415.
Want to Know More?
Visit the WebTMA Help Page