Path: Accounting > Universal Financial > UFI Segment
In WebTMA, you can add as many as nine account number segments plus a tenth Full Accounting Unit (FAU) statement. Even though your financial package uses segments with a specific length, you can choose not to use the entire length in UFI.
While UFI must be configured to accept from three to nine segments, you have the flexibility to populate only one segment if the Variable Number check box is marked. If variable segments are allowed, the first segment is not necessarily required; the only requirement is that at least one segment is populated.
When you enter data for the account, the system checks to verify if it is a valid entry. If invalid, you are alerted. This helps avoid failures in the interface due to mistyped account numbers.
Segment Information
In WebTMA Table definitions, the Length field is the length of data that must be entered in the related fields (in the WebTMA application) and is probably different from the maximum length specified by your financial application provider.
When data is entered in WebTMA, the system looks for the number of segments (Segment Count) and the number of characters (I) specified in the Entry flyout. WebTMA supports both Variable Length segments and a Variable Number of Segments. If you use the Banner accounting package, WebTMA also supports an account index.
The Validation SQL is an SQL statement that you provide. It comes from the outside financial application. Each segment has its own statement.
The order of the segments themselves is very important and does not vary.
The SQL statement should contain aliases called TMA_CHART_SEG and TMA_CHART_SEG_NAME, which represent the segment value and segment name to be validated. If the statement executes and returns a row, the statement is considered valid.
The Entry flyout includes a Test button to test the statement. Note: This only tests whether the SQL is valid and executes. It does not indicate whether the results, if any, are correct.
How to Define UFI Segments
The following instructions are repeated for each Segment line on the window. WebTMA can accommodate as many as nine Segments.
In Edit mode:
Enter a Segment Separator, or mark the Use Space as Separator check box. This is the character used to separate each segment such as a hyphen ( - ) or a semicolon ( ; ).
Choose the Add Row link in the Segment Information grid to open the Entry flyout.
Enter a Segment Name description of the segment (maximum of 25 characters).
Input the Max Length of the identified segment including spaces.
(Optional) Enter the Validation SQL used to validate account data for your outside financial application accounts.
(Optional) Select the Test button to test the statement validity.
Choose the Save button.
Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
NOTE: By default, there is one more line than the number in the Segment Count field. Once the record is saved, the last line item defaults to Full Accounting Unit. The Validation SQL field on this line should be completed to validate the combination of all segments. This is used to be sure the combination of all segments also passes. The FAU statement checks that either the data can be assembled or that the whole account is still valid.
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