Default Cost Hierarchy for Work Orders - WebTMA 7

The Default Account Hierarchy feature is activated when the Charge check box is marked on the Work Order / Identity Tab. This action requires that Account # fields be populated with existing WebTMA account numbers in order to post the Work Order charges to the specified Accounts.

If most of the Work Orders generated for a Repair Center are chargeable or billable, then mark the Repair Center / Identity–Preferences Section Most WO Chargeable check box. Setting this preference on the Repair Center record automatically checks the Charge box on the Work Order for every Work Order created for that Repair Center.

The default account hierarchy feature allows WebTMA to automatically populate Account # fields. If no account numbers are specified on the records within the hierarchy, no default account number is supplied.

CAUTION: If an Account # field is populated, the WebTMA account hierarchy is not exercised. Any modification to the Account # field must be done manually. It does not change automatically.

Charge (Debit) Accounts

The Account # field on the Work Order/ Identity Tab is commonly referred to as the charge account. When you perform the Post Charges function, the total cost of the Work Order is debited from the account entered in this field.

The total cost of a Work Order is determined by the line items on the Work Order / Costs Tab for Labor, Materials, and Other charges.

Credit Accounts

The Account # field associated with Labor lines, Material lines, and Other charge lines is commonly referred to as the credit account. The account number designated on a specific line item is the account that will be credited for the amount of that line item when Post Charges is performed. For Work Orders, the number displays with line items on the Costs Tab.

A default account hierarchy is in place for Labor lines, Material lines, and Other charge lines. The Credit Account # field can be populated automatically based on the hierarchy for the specific line when the line is added to the Work Order.

Labor Lines

Costs for Labor are added to Work Orders for each Technician. A default account hierarchy is in place, which populates the Credit Account field specific to the individual Labor lines.

The following hierarchy is used to locate the first existing account number:

  • Technician window Identity / Account # field
  • Shop window Identity / Labor Cost Account field for the Shop linked to the Technician's Trade
  • Shop window Identity / Labor Cost Account field for the Shop linked to the Trade on the Work Order

If no account numbers are specified on the records within the hierarchy, no default account number is supplied.

Material Lines

Costs for Materials are added to Work Orders for each Part. A default account hierarchy is in place designed to populate the credit Account field specific to the individual Material lines.

The following hierarchy is used to locate the first existing account number:

  • Warehouse from which the Part was removed from inventory
  • Part Acct field from the Shop linked to the Trade designated on the Work Order

If no account numbers are specified on the records within the hierarchy, no default account number is supplied.

Other Charge Lines

Costs for Other charges that cannot be captured as Labor or Materials costs are also added to Work Orders.

A search for the default credit account is made on the Shop window Identity / Other Account field for the Shop linked to the Trade on the Work Order. If no account number is present, no default account number is supplied.

Labor Calculation Hierarchy

The Work Order looks first to the Repair Center / Identity Tab-Billing Section and then to the default Technician rates to calculate Labor costs.

WebTMA Plus: These may be modified by applicable Rate Schedules that are available with WebTMA Plus.


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