WebTMA Capital Planning makes extensive use of Lookup tables to keep your data entry consistent. While most Lookups are found in Organization > Lookups, funding is found in Accounting > Funding Source Types and Accounting > Funding Sources.
The value of Lookups is that, rather than trying to remember which values to enter for a given field, you simply select an item from a list box that contains the needed values. The following topics explain the purpose of each Lookup table used by WebTMA Capital Planning.
Building Types
Path: Organization > Lookups > Building Types / Identity Tab
This standard Lookup in WebTMA has a Cost per Square Foot field that was added to support the Capital Planning module.
If you are an existing WebTMA client, we recommend that you edit each Building Type and add the Cost per Square Foot value that indicates replacement cost per Sq. Ft. for the building. When you enter new building records, the cost per square foot will be entered automatically from this list when you select the Building Type. You can also enter or change this amount directly in the Cost per Sq. Ft. field on the Building / Identity Tab.
CP Appropriations
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Appropriations
This Lookup is used by government organizations to identify appropriation committees that authorize or approve discretionary funds. If your organization does not use appropriation committees, the labels for this Lookup window can be changed via Text Management to something more suitable.
The Appropriations Lookup is applied on the Transactions > Capital Planning > CP Work Element / Identity Tab–Additional Information Section.
CP Audit Types
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Audit Types
Use the CP Audit Types window to categorize Capital Planning Audits.
Examples: Contracted Engineering Audit, Internatl Audit, State Audit
CP Construction Types
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Construction Types
The CP Construction Types are used to clarify the construction type of the building. In contracts, building type often is used to signify the usage category or purposing of a building. This Lookup is applied on the Building / Identity Tab to support the Capital Planning module.
Examples: Fire Resistive, Metal Frame, Heavy Timber, Exterior Masonry (Protected)
CP Estimate Markups
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Estimate Markups
Capital Planning estimate lines can have one or more markups applied to them. This Lookup is used to define these markups. An Estimate Markup is applied to any Estimate line on the Work Element / Estimate Tab.
Default Estimate Markups can be established on a Capital Setups record. If you have done this when adding a new Estimate line, these default markups are added automatically to the estimate line. They can still be removed individually or modified at that point.
The Rate % entered is expected to be a percentage, and when the value is used internally in calculations, the value is divided by 100. Thus, if you have a markup of 10%, enter 10, not .1.
Examples: Administration Contingency, Construction Contingency, A/E Design Fee, Destruction Contingency
CP Estimate Models
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Estimate Models
Capital Planning estimates can be derived from various cost estimating models*. This Lookup is where these cost estimating models are defined. An estimate model is applied to a Work Element on the Transactions > Capital Planning > CP Work Elements / Estimate Tab.
Cost estimation models are used to estimate the costs of a product or project. The results of the models are typically necessary to obtain approval to proceed and are factored into business plans, budgets, and other financial planning and tracking mechanisms.
These algorithms were originally performed manually but now are almost universally computerized. They may be standardized (available in published texts or purchased commercially) or proprietary, depending on the type of business, product, or project in question. Simple models may use standard spreadsheet products.
Models typically function through the input of parameters that describe the attributes of the product or project in question, and possibly physical resource requirements. The model then provides as output various resource requirements in cost and time. Some models concentrate only on estimating project costs (often a single monetary value).
- Design Model
- In-house model
- RS Means Construction Cost Database
- MARS Facility Maintenance & Repair Cost Forecast
* Models can be mathematical algorithms or parametric equations. WebTMA Capital Planning currently supports mathematical algorithms but does not yet support parametric cost estimating models.
CP Master Items
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Master Items
Capital Planning incorporates a complete Life Cycle Renewal Program.
To help you establish your Renewal Program, we provide a Lookup that holds many common items that are cyclic in nature. Master Items are non-tagged maintenance items such as tile, curtains, flooring, tuck pointing, etc. WebTMA initializes your database with this ‘starter library’ of cyclic renewal items. You can choose to add to this, modify it, or not use it at all. The Master Items Lookup record can be applied to the Renewal Programs / Identity Tab.
If you choose to add Master Items, study About Adding a Capital Planning Master Item before proceeding.
NOTE: You can enter UniFormat element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
About Adding a Capital Planning Master Item
WebTMA Capital Planning comes with many cyclic Maintenance Items already loaded. You can review this list and delete any you do not wish to use.
This data is extremely critical and should be given considerable thought before proceeding. The Master Items represent the specific cyclic renewal items for all Facilities, Utilities, and Grounds including Code, Description, UniFormat classification, and Frequency in years (life expectancy).
Think carefully about your choices, this data impacts your long-term time commitments to edit and maintain your renewal database. It is a question of the specificity you need on future cyclic renewals versus the time needed to create and maintain the data. More specificity translates to much more time to maintain the data. Master Renewal data can be simple at the start and increase in complexity later as needed.
When adding new Master Items, it is mandatory to provide a Code, Description, Frequency, and at least one UniFormat Element, so items and their replacement costs can be rolled up into building components or systems.
CP Regulations
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Regulations
Various rules that are issued by Regulatory Agencies might impact or drive a Work Element. This Lookup allows you to define those regulations and the regulatory agency that issued them. Regulations are applied to each Work Element record on the Capital Planning > CP Work Element / Regulation Xref Tab.
Examples: American with Disabilities Act, Environmental, Preservation
CP Sources
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Sources
Work Elements have various sources. These sources can include Facility Condition Audits, Contracted Engineering Studies, Internal Inspections, or a walk-through inspection of a building. Use this Lookup to formalize the possible sources of a Work Element. The Sources Lookup is applied to a Work Element on the Capital Planning > CP Work Element / Identity–Additional Information Section.
CP UniFormat™
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP UniFormat
UniFormat™ is a nationally recognized classification for building components and is licensed by CSI (Construction Standards Institute). It is also used to classify building components in building systems. The UniFormat™ library has been licensed by TMA. By coding Work Elements and Cyclic Renewal items by UniFormat, the Capital Planning module is able to roll up cost estimates and work projects into various levels. Many different estimate models such as RS Means map their estimates to the UniFormat codes.
NOTE: The basic twelve categories should not be changed to allow comparisons with other institutions. This is critical data that applies to all Work Elements and cyclic renewal tables. Care must be taken to create a usable list prior to the start of loading data. Changing the breakdown after data is loaded is extremely time consuming and requires editing most entries and may require splitting up many records previously loaded.
CP Work Element Types
Path: Organization > Lookups > CP Work Element Types
The Work Element Type is used to classify Work Elements. Both Type and Subtype are supported. WE Type Description is a mandatory field on the Transactions > Capital Planning > CP Work Elements / Identity Tab.
Path: Organization > Lookups > Justifications
It is important to justify the work or projects being funded. The Justifications Lookup is provided to formalize the various common justifications you may use.
These justifications are applied to the Transactions > Capital Planning > CP Work Elements / Identity Tab.
Most Justification records are mapped to four different Levels. Those are Health and Safety, Damage Prevention, Scheduled Maintenance, and Needed Repairs. You can have an unlimited number of justifications, but they all map to these four Justification Levels.
Path: Organization > Lookups > Statuses
This is an existing Lookup in WebTMA. A Capital Planning check box supports the Capital Planning Module.
If you are an existing WebTMA client, we recommend that you visit the Statuses Lookup window and add as many Capital Planning Statuses as required for designating the status of Work Elements.
Funding Source Types
Path: Accounting > Funding Source Types
Funding Source Types are used as the primary categorization method for Funding Sources for Capital Planning.
Funding Sources
Path: Accounting > Funding Sources
The Funding Sources window can be used by the Capital Planning module.
This is used as a standard WebTMA master item Lookup entity for managing Funding Sources in Capital Planning.
This entity Type can be used in conjunction with traditional accounts or used in place of traditional accounts.
There is no direct link between an account record and a funding source. Funding Source is typically the Type used in place of accounts for non-profit organizations (such as public universities).