Path > Transactions > Capital Planning > Capital Planning Browse
The Capital Planning Browse window gives you a more comprehensive search for Capital Planning records than using the Records pane on the related windows. The Query window consolidates Capital Planning Browse functions in one place and includes four radio buttons:
Renewal Program
Work Element
Deferred Work Order
Select the desired radio button to query data based on that topic.
Buttons at the bottom of the Capital Planning Browse window change depending on the option selected. All windows include the Remove Selected, Export Current Page, and Export All. Moreover, the record Number on each line of a window is an active link. Click to open the record in a separate browser Tab.
If you select Audit or Deferred Work Order, the window includes a button to Create Work Element and push the selected records into the Work Element table.
How to Select Browse Criteria
The Query window displays initially when you open the Capital Planning Browse window.
Click the desired radio button.
Select the search criteria.
Click the List Results button.
When the search is complete, the records that match your criteria are displayed. As with any WebTMA Query window, you can save your query and reuse it.
Renewal Program
Review Renewal Program records when you select the Renewal Program radio button on the Query flyout. Select your criteria and click the List Results button.
The filter criteria include UniFormat element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
You can always click a number in the Number column to open a Renewal Program record in a separate browser tab.
To reset criteria, click the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid.
Filter Audit records for review using any combination of the criteria available. Click the Audit radio button on the Query flyout, select your criteria, and click List Results.
The filter criteria include UniFormat element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
You can look for Audits by Audit Type and selected item types or items with a particular Priority for a date range.
Using the buttons at the bottom of the window, you can:
Click one of the Export buttons to send some or all Audit lines to an Excel spreadsheet
Select a line and click Create Work Element to create a Work Element record for the audit item
Select a line and click Create Request to convert a Capital Audit item to a standard WebTMA Request
You can always click a number in the Number column to open the Audit record in a separate browser tab.
To reset criteria, click the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid.
Work Element
Filter Work Elements for review using general or detailed queries. Click the Work Element radio button on the Query flyout, select your criteria, and click List Results.
The filter criteria include UniFormat element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
You can look for Work Elements by type for a Facility or Building between given dates and either Funded or Unfunded, for example. Another popular search is Work Elements by specified Type for a single building for several UniFormat Level I Categories within a date range.
Using the buttons at the bottom of the window, you can:
Click one of the Export buttons to send some or all Work Element lines to an Excel spreadsheet
Select a line and click Update Schedule Date to change the Scheduled Date on the Work Elements window.
You can always click a number in the Number column to open the Work Element record in a separate browser tab.
To reset criteria, click the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid.
Deferred Work Order
Filter Deferred Work Orders for review and possible rejection, i.e., remove from Capital Planning. Click the Deferred Work Order radio button on the Query flyout, select your criteria, and click List Results.
For example, you can look for Work Orders for selected item types or items for a particular Repair Center.
When viewing results, you can perform the following actions using the buttons at the bottom of the window.
Select lines and click the Export button to send some or all Deferred Work Order lines to an Excel spreadsheet
Select a line and click Create Work Element to create a Work Element record for the Deferred Work Order
Select a line and click the Dismiss Selected button to remove the deferred flag, i.e., remove it from Capital Planning data, and select a new status for the Work Order
You can always click a number in the Number column to open the Work Order record in a separate browser tab.
To reset criteria, click the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid.
Capital Planning Browse Action Menu
To see graphs and totals that apply to the data displayed on the Capital Planning Browse window, click one of the links on the Action Menu.
Element Totals (Action Menu)
Click the Element Totals link to review totals for all Capital Setup records or filtered by one Setup record and other criteria.
The window summarizes those Work Elements into UniFormat Level I categories and displays the following information:
condition of the category
dollars needed (cost Estimates)
percent that category represents of the total costs
available dollars
funded dollars
balance not yet allocated
The data displayed is for ALL Facilities linked to the Capital Setups record selected. If you didn’t select a Capital Setups record, the data reflects ALL Capital Setups records.
The Goal field is read-only and is pulled from the selected Capital Setups record. It is a rough funding goal for the selected organization represented by the Capital Setups record (information only). It represents that organization's funding goal for the current budget cycle.
Building Totals (Action Item)
Click the Building Totals link to see a list of buildings filtered by Capital Setup records. You can also add Work Element Type to the filter.
condition of each building
funds needed
% of the total estimate cost
funded dollars
balance not yet allocated
The Goal field is read-only and is pulled from the selected Capital Setups record.
Work Element Graph (Action Item)
Click the Work Element Graph link to display a graph of Work Element costs, filtered by Setup, UniFormat™ Level I, selected Facility and/or selected Building. The Y-Axis displays Funds Required or Cost Estimates, the X-Axis correlates to the four tabs that can be selected at the bottom of the grid.
The X-Axis is the different Justifications (by Code), the Y-Axis shows the amount.
Four different views of the Graph can be selected using the radio buttons at the top:
Justification – Uses Justification value assigned to each Work Element
UniFormat 1 – Uses the Uniformat code assigned to each Work Element but filters by Level 1
Uniformat 2 – Uses theUniFormat™ code assigned to each Work Element but filters by Level 2
Type – Uses the Work Element Type assigned to each Work Element and summarizes costs by Work Element Type.