Work Element Window Tabs - WebTMA 7

The Tabs on the Work Elements window are essential to using Work Elements. For example, . Cost Estimates must be made for each Work Element before it can be added or grouped into a Capital Request. The COI (the Cost of Inaction) can be recorded, which details the additional cost for each year that the Work Element is not completed, and Energy Conservation Measures can be attached to any Work Element to detail the energy savings in dollars and energy units.

The following topics outline how to make use of these important parts of the Work Elements window.

Notes Tab

Use the Notes Tab to add details about the element including suggestions for fixing the problem, coordination with other departments or contractors, and general comments.

Sub-location Enter a specific area to help identify the location of the Work Element.

Solution Describe the remedy for this deficiency or a solution to the problem.

Coordination Describe any coordination required among various departments or contractors.

Estimate Tab

The Estimate Tab is used to create cost estimates for the Work Element solution.

Use the Estimate Notes Section to add Pricing Notes about your pricing strategy.

How to Create Work Elements Estimates

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar
  2. Enter Estimator.
  3. Select the Estimate Model.
  4. Click the Add Item link at top of Estimate Items Section to open the Estimate Entry flyout. If you have the RS Means software, you can use the Add RS Means Items link.
  5. Go How to Add Work Element Estimate Lines.

How to Add Work Element Estimate Lines

Note: Fields on this flyout vary depending on the Cost Type selection

After you have completed the instructions in How to Create Work Elements Estimates, follow these instructions. Note: By default, the Active check box is marked.

  1. Enter Quantity.
  2. Enter Unit Cost. Note the Total Cost is calculated automatically
  3. (Optional) Enter a Trade.
  4. Select the Cost Type.
  5. (Optional) Choose an Estimate Type. Note this Type not restricted to Capital Planning.
  6. (Optional) Select the Technician.
  7. (Optional) Enter Comments.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Estimate Adjustments

After adding an Estimate line it is possible to add one or more Adjustments or Markups to the Estimate line. It is also possible to add a set of Default Adjustments to a line. The Default Adjustments are derived from the list of Markup Defaults you create on the Capital Setups / Identity Tab.

How to Add a WE Estimate Adjustment

In Add or Edit mode:

  1. Click the arrow at the left of an Estimate line.
  2. Click the Add Adjustment link on the next tier to open the Estimate Adjustment Entry flyout.
  3. Type or select the appropriate Markup Code.
  4. Enter the Sequence #. The Sequence is the order of operation for how the adjustments are applied. Since some of the adjustments / markups are compounded against other markups, the order of operation can make a difference.
  5. The Rate % defaults if you selected a Markup from Lookups. This rate can be overridden if you want a different rate.
  6. (Optional) Click the Compound check box if you want the Rate % compounded. An Estimate line can have multiple Adjustment lines.
  7. Click the desired radio button: Labor, Material, Other, Misc, or Sub-Total. This indicates the type of Estimate lines that are affected or marked up. For example, if a markup the Labor selected, only Labor estimates will have the markup applied. The Sub-Total radio button indicates that the Estimate is applied to the overall subtotal of all the Estimate lines.
  8. Click the Save button to add the Adjustment Line.
  9. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Add WE Estimate Default Adjustments

In Add or Edit mode:

  1. Click the arrow at the left of an Estimate line.
  2. Click the Add Default Adjustments link which reads in the Markup Defaults from the Setup record linked to this Work Element.
  3. Edit the Default Adjustments or Markups by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the Adjustment line. They can also be deleted individually by using the trash can icon to the left of each Adjustment line.
  4. Click the Save button after editing to add the Default Adjustment Line.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Estimate Tab COI Section

Many Work Elements can have Cost of Inaction (COI) dollars associated with the item, especially when the work is not done in a timely manner. For example, if a leaky roof is not replaced, there may be costs associated with water damage, increased maintenance on the old roof, and heat loss due to lack of proper insulation. These costs also increase over time due to inflation. The Capital Planning batch process not only inflates the Cost Estimate to fix a problem but it also inflates the COI (Cost of Inaction) over time. The ratio between the Cost Estimate and the COI is a good tool that can be used to prioritize work.

How to Add WE Cost of Inaction (COI)

Adding a Cost of Inaction line is identical to adding an Estimate.

From the COI Section in Edit mode:

  1. Click Add Item link to open the Estimate Entry flyout.
  2. Add and save as many COI lines as necessary.
  3. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The COI Index field updates automatically at the top of the Estimate Tab.

Energy Conservation Measure Tab

Use the Energy Conservation Measure Tab to record the energy savings related to an individual Work Element. ECM’s are optional.

You can also use the Tab to document the portion of a Facility’s sustainability efforts related to Capital Planning efforts. There is a one-to-one relationship between a Work Element and an ECM record.

Tip: If a Work Element has an ECM, the ECM Btn_ECM_Leaf.png icon will appear near the Active check box field on the Work Elements / Identity Tab.


How to Add an Energy Conservation Measure

From the desired Work Element record.

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Energy Conservation Measure Tab.
  3. Enter the ECM Title that describes the ECM.
  4. Type the Number you assign to the ECM.
  5. Follow instructions in How to Add Energy Savings Lines to ECM to complete the Tab.

NOTE: Default values may populate the ECM record when the Energy Conservation Measure Tab opens. These are derived from Utility defaults, which may have been set up on a Capital Setups record. The Capital Setups record linked to the Work Element determines which, if any, Utility defaults flow to the Energy savings grid. If you don’t want any of these defaults, they can be individually removed using the Trash can icon.

How to Add Energy Savings Lines to ECM

In Add or Edit mode:

  1. Click the Add Item link in the Utility Section to open the Add Code flyout.
  2. Check the desired utility services on the flyout. Note that utility services must have been defined previously in Organization > Lookups > Utility Services.
  3. Click the Add Selected button to close the window and add the selected items to the grid.
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save your changes.

Energy Conservation Measure Elective Fields

Source Code The field describes the source of the ECM information. Select from options created in Organization > Lookups > CP Sources. .Payback – The payback value is normally recorded in years.

Implement. Cost Any extra cost to implement beyond the cost Estimate of the Work Element.

Free text fields in the Additional Information Section allow you to describe deficiencies, make note of required coordination among departments or contractors to perform the work, add more comments, and add notes.

Regulation Xref Tab

Use the Regulation Xref Tab to list all Regulations that may be impacted by the current Work Element.

These Regulations may include those driving the work or ones impacted by the changes that result when solving this problem. For example, a new fire code may require the work that is listed on this Work Element. If this is the case, then that fire code can be listed here.

How to Add Regulation Xref

From the Regulation Xref Tab:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Add Regulation link at the top of the grid.
  3. Check the boxes for the desired code(s) on the Add Code flyout.
  4. Click the Add Selected button to add the selected codes.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Sub Assemblies Tab

The Sub-Assemblies Tab displays a tree list of any Parent/Child relationships you have created by populating the Parent # field on the Work Elements / Identity Tab. The records displayed here are for information only.

An unlimited number of levels or relationships can be created to connect different Work Element records.

Click any item in the tree list to open the child record.


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