Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > CP Work Elements
The Work Elements window holds the various work actions that eventually get grouped or organized into Capital Requests for funding during a budget cycle process. Work Elements can be classified by a wide variety of Work Element Types. The most common being Deferred Maintenance, Facility Improvements, Cyclic Renewal Items, Capital Construction Items, and Studies.
Work Elements can be derived from a variety of sources. For example, Work Elements can come from walk-through inspections of Buildings, from Condition Audits or Assessments, from commissioned studies, from planning for future mission requirements, code enforcement, or regulatory changes.
Once Work Elements are recorded, detailed Cost Estimates can be performed against them. Cost Estimates must be made for each Work Element before it can be added or grouped into a Capital Request. See Estimate Tab for details about adding Estimates.
Photos and other external documents can be attached to illustrate damage or work to be done. Work Elements must be classified by UniFormat™ so that Cost Estimates will roll up to various building systems and sub-systems.
An ECM (Energy Conservation Measure Tab) can be attached to any Work Element to detail the energy savings in dollars and energy units. Also, the Cost of Inaction (Estimate Tab COI Section) can be recorded, which details the additional cost for each year that the Work Element is not completed.
Work Elements and Requests
When a standard Work Order has been added to the system and the work requested is more extensive than expected, you may not have the funds to complete it from your current operating budget. In this case, it can be added to the Capital Planning Browse query. From the Work Order window, click Add to Deferment Queue on the Action Menu.
On the other hand, a valid, low-level item may have been added to the Work Elements window. You have the option to convert the Work Element to a standard WebTMA Request. Simply click Convert To Request on the Work Elements Action Menu. Once converted, the Work Element record is locked. It is now a standard Request and cannot be edited once it becomes a Work Order.
Identity Tab
The Work Elements / Identity Tab displays the fields for adding a Work Element record. Information that uniquely describes this Work Element is contained in the record.
Only a few fields are required when adding a new Work Element, but the remaining fields provide beneficial information and should be populated whenever possible. In addition, some of the elective fields are needed for work flow requirements.
How to Add Work Elements
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Enter a Title for the Work Element.
- Select the Capital Setup record for this Work Element.
- Select the WE Type Description.
- Select a location and item.
- Complete the other required fields. The Scheduled Date shows when the work is expected to start
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Default values can be set up on each User’s record from Admin > User Management > Records / Defaults Tab. The Date field represents the current date, i.e., when the record was created.
For effective Work Elements records, complete the other Tabs on the Work Elements window to create cost Estimate, link an Energy Conservation Measure record if appropriate, add Notes, create parent-child relationships between related Work Elements where appropriate, etc.
Work Element Field Definitions
As with all WebTMA records, the more fields you can appropriately complete, the better your outcome.
General Information Section
Many of the fields in the General Information Section are required.
Active Checked (made Active) by default on new records. When check box is clear, i.e., the record is inactive, the Work Element is not used in calculations or reports.
Close Date Enter the date the Work Element is closed. Records marked as closed do not affect FCI scores. If a Work Element is associated with a TMA Project, the Work Element’s Close Date is updated automatically when the Close Date is populated on the Project record.
Inflated To Date When a Schedule Date is updated from Capital Planning Browse window, the date in this field flags the need to run the Capital Planning Processes in Batch Management to update inflation rates.
Risk Level Read only. When you generate a Risk Score, the associated level populates this field automatically.
Risk Score Click the icon adjacent to this field to select criteria to calculate the score. The icon opens the Work Element Risk flyout and allows you to select risk levels for the specific work element. The range for the Risk Formula is established from the Capital Setups window. You can select any formulas designated for Work Elements from this Risk dialog. The formulas are created using Lookups > Risk Factor Formula.
UniFormat Used to classify the Work Element in order that cost estimates can roll up to various Building Systems and to provide a standard way of reporting on Building components. You can enter UniFormat Element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
Work Element # Read only, an automatically assigned number.
Additional Information Section
ADA A mark in this check box indicates work is being done to comply with American Disabilities Act requirements.
Appropriation Used by government agencies that have Appropriation Committees to determine the disbursements of funds for expenditures. If you don’t use appropriation committees you can use WebTMA Text Management to change the label so this field can be used for something more appropriate to your organization.
Area Type If the Work Element relates to an Area, this field shows the Area #. Data comes from the Area table in WebTMA.
Assessor The Assessor is the auditor or inspector who created the Work Element, usually from a Condition Assessment Audit.
Audit # If the source of this Work Element is an Audit, enter the identifying Audit number.
Client Request Use this check box to indicate that the work was requested by a department or client within your organization as opposed to something that came from a condition assessment.
Contractor The Contractor that is assigned responsibility to perform this work.
Renewal Program # Read only. The related Renewal Program record.
Department The Department that requested the work, if applicable.
Design Date The date any design work on this Work Element was completed.
Energy Savings A check mark indicates there are energy savings that result from work being performed. WebTMA recommends creating an ECM record to detail energy savings.
Environmental Check to indicate work is related to environmental efforts at your facility.
H2O Conservation If water savings will be realized from work done, check this box. We recommend creating an ECM record to detail energy saving.
Other Use this check box for your own needs. Go to Text Management to modify this label or any field labels to customize Capital Planning to better meet your needs.
Parent # If this Work Element has a parent Work Element and you want to create a relationship between that parent record and this child record, enter that parent Work Element number in this field. The number entered is validated against the database.
Preservation A check mark usually indicates work is related to historic preservation.
Reference # This is a free-form field that can be used for reference purposes. For example, to an external system.
Request Log # A related WebTMA Request Log record.
Req. Priority Free text. Can be used to set any priority that references, for example, an external system. This field is not used in any calculations or sorts. The validated Work Element priority is the Impact Priority field in the General Information Section.
Source A Work Element can be derived from many sources. These sources are formally established in Organization > Lookups > CP Sources. Examples: Audit, Inspection, Physical Walk-Through, Study, etc.
Start Date Date on which work was started.
Study Date Completion date of any study related to this Work Element.
Notes Section
Deficiency Describe the work or the deficiency in detail.