Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > Renewal Programs
The Renewal Programs window is used to create a database of activities to be performed and assets to be replaced that require future funding on a cyclic basis.
Cyclic renewal data are comparable to Planned Maintenance (PM); however, cyclic renewal has longer frequencies and may be funded differently from PMs.
Enter cyclic renewal items prior to entering Deferred Maintenance, Facility Improvement, and other Work Element Types. This provides a broad base of the future needs for any Facility and a quick start toward identifying the size of your maintenance backlog.
The amount of detail included in the Renewal Program relates to the accuracy of your future funding needs. This helps you maintain / renew your Facility in the future. Even with a few simple entries per Facility, the annual funds needed usually exceed available funding.
Renewal Program items can be derived from Equipment, Biomed, and Asset records by using an Action Menu link: Create Renewal Program. Click the link to copy the information from these records and create a new Cyclic Renewal item.
Identity Tab
Enter cyclic Renewal items before you enter Deferred Maintenance, Facility Improvement, and other Work Element Types.
The Work Elements defaults are specified on the Renewal Programs / Identity Tab (Location and Additional Information Sections) and are required fields.
Field Definitions
Important Note on FCI Calculations: The only Assets included in the FCI (Facility Condition Index) calculations are Equipment item records with Building Asset checked and linked to a Building record. This indicates that the Equipment item is part of the cost to replace the Building itself.
To be included in FCI calculations, the Work Element must be active, that is, the Active check box on the Work Element record must be checked.
The FCI feature is not applicable to Biomedical Equipment, Entity records, Assets records, or Equipment records not linked to a Building.
Cyclic Renewal Items that have been converted to a Work Element are factored into the calculation.
General Information Section
Capital Setup This field is derived from the Setup record that allows you to link Cyclic Renewal items to a specific Setup for an Organization.
Base Cost Date This refers to the date on which the estimate dollars are based. For example, if a value of 2022/03/03 is used, then the estimate is based in 2022 dollars. The dollar values from the Base Cost Date are inflated to the dollar values for the Next Cycle Date using the inflationary values established in the Capital Setups / Inflation Tab.
Inflation Date When you enter a Frequency in the Additional Information Section, WebTMA calculates the value for this field. It provides a cross-reference to show the next anticipated date of inflation.
Last Cycle Date This is calculated as the latest Work Element Close Date associated with the Renewal Program of all the closed Work Elements.
Next Cycle Date The Work Element’s schedule date associated with the Renewal Program of the open Work Element.
Due Date The Renewal Program’s Last Cycle Date + the Frequency (in years). If something is to be done every five years, and the last time it was done was 3/1/2020, then that date + 5 years in the cycle gives the next due date as 3/1/2025.
Renewal # A unique identifying ID for each Cyclic Renewal Item. Automatically generated.
Risk Level This field reflects the level of risk determined by the formula reflected in the Risk Score field. This can be reset by clicking the icon adjacent to the field. Select a different Risk Formula on the Project Risk Factor flyout and click the Save button on the flyout.
Risk Score The risk level set on the Setups window.
Location Section
Select (Location) Choose Building, Floor or Area.
Select Item Select Equipment, Asset, Entity, Biomed Equipment, or Master Item.
Funding Source Reflects the funding source record from Accounting > Capital Funding > Funding Sources.
UniFormat (N) A value used to classify the renewal item in order that cost estimates roll up to various Building Systems and to provide a standard way of reporting on Building components. You can enter UniFormat Element fields in a valid level 2, 3, or 4 without providing the parent level. Once a UniFormat level is selected, the parent record automatically populates. If you select a Level 1 (or 2, or 3), the subsequent fields are filtered by the parent selection.
Additional Information Section
WE Type To classify the Work Element, select one of the Work Element categories established in Organization > Lookups >CP Work Element Types.
Justification To back up the funding for the item, choose a Justification setting that was set up in Organization > Lookups > Justifications.
Priority The importance of the item is indicated by this setting.
Frequency This read-only field is derived from the selected Master Item and is the default number of years of the length of cycle. For tagged Assets, this can be the Life Expectancy of the asset, but it doesn’t have to be. For non-tagged items, this indicates the frequency this maintenance activity should be done. The Frequency is in years. For example ‘10’ indicates this tagged item should be replaced every 10 years; for an activity, it means this activity should be performed every 10 years.
Deterior. Rate (%) This field is used to adjust the default Master Item Frequency. For example, if you know that, due to environmental conditions, a 40-year roof is only going to last 30 years, you can enter a Deterioration Rate of 25%. Adjusting this field updates both the Life Expectancy field and the Next Cycle Date (if a Last Cycle Date is available).
Extension (Yrs) Used if the Work Element goes beyond the calculated date.
Age Read Only – Calculated from the Last Cycle Date to today’s date giving the age of the current cycle. If there is no Last Cycle Date, the Age is equal to 0. For tagged assets, this flows in from the Equipment or Asset record.
Life Expectancy Read only – The value displayed is the result of the Master Item Frequency adjusted by the Deterioration Rate.
Notes Section
Deficiency Used to describe the ‘reason’ this cyclic item is justified or how it impacts the Building’s function or mission if not performed.
Coordination Used to describe any coordination that may be required among Departments or Contractors to take place when this item is scheduled.
Comments A free-form text field for additional notes.
Estimate Tab
The Estimate Tab is used to create the cost estimate for this item and add any relevant markups to that cost line. The cost estimate is then inflated over time. It starts from the Base Cost Date using the inflation rates from the Capital Setups record linked to the item.
The Estimate Items Section shows the estimated cost to do the work. The COI Section shows the estimated cost associated with not doing the work.
Estimate adjustments can be loaded from a default grouping. It will only affect Work Elements created from that point forward.
The Estimate grid is like the standard WebTMA Estimate grid. The Capital Planning differences are:
- Only active estimate lines are calculated in the total.
- Capital Planning has the option for Estimate Adjusted Lines. This works similarly to Labor Adjustment lines except Capital Planning estimates only use percent markup.
- Capital Planning Estimate lines are inflated from the Base Cost Date to the Next Cycle Date.
Important fields on this Tab are:
Estimator The person who created this cost estimate.
Estimate Model Derived from Organization > Lookups > CP Estimate Models. Examples: RS Means or In-house Estimate.
Cost of Inaction Read only. Many items, if not resolved in a timely manner, will result in additional costs. These costs are the Cost of Inaction. This field is populated with the total of all line items from the COI Section grid.
COI Index Read only. This field is calculated as the Cost of Inaction divided by the sum of all Estimate lines to repair or replace the Cyclic Renewal item.
How to Add Estimates to Renewal Programs
In Add or Edit mode:
- Click the Add Item link at the top of the grid.
- Complete the Estimate Entry flyout.
- Click the Save button on the flyout.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Note: The Estimate Entry flyout is the standard WebTMA window for adding a cost estimate.
Work Element Tab
Capital Planning generates Work Elements from Renewal Items. There is no look-forward value as there is with PMs. Every Active Renewal Program should have at least one open Work Element. When a Work Element is closed (if it is linked to a Renewal Program), the application creates another Work Element renewal record.