The Work Order window has many features that can be used or ignored depending on the Technician's needs. Essentially, he or she can log in, scroll through a list of work orders, select one, review what is to be done, and do the work.
When a Technician logs in to mobileTMA GO, the application automatically downloads Work Orders assigned to him or her. The Home Screen summarizes the number of Work Orders on the device as well as Labor Hours and Unpushed Records.
Select Work Order
A tap on the Work Orders section of the Home Screen opens the Work Orders List Window. The Technician taps the desired Work Order in the list to open the record. The Technician scrolls down to review the assignment in the Action Requested field and taps Tasks at the bottom of the window to learn the details about the job.
Information on Work Order
At times, icons or buttons display on the Identity Tab to inform the Technician about alerts or other information. These and other features of the Identity Tab are described in Work Order Window in mobileTMA GO for iOS. The icons are illustrated and defined in Appendix A: Buttons and Icons Used in mobileTMA GO for iOS.
Additional Tabs
Depending on the Task and other features of the Work Order, a number of Tab icons display at the bottom of the window. These are described in Work Order Tabs in mobileTMA GO for iOS.
Options Menu
Choices on the Options menu (tap the chevron at the top of the Identity Tab) are described in Work Order Identity Tab Options in mobileTMA GO for iOS. These Options provide a quick link for the Technician to add charges, take signatures, display a bar code, and other features that may be useful.
Create Request or New Work Order
If a Technician encounters unrelated work issues (i.e., other work that needs to be done), they can create New Work Orders in mobileTMA GO for iOS from mobileTMA GO or submit a Request Log for mobileTMA GO iOS.
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