Setup Options - WebTMA 7

Path: Admin > Client Info / Rental Preferences Tab

Go to the Admin > Client Info / Rental Preferences Tab to choose the default requirements for reserving items. Click the Sections representing the various reservation options used by your organization. The Sections differ depending on the modules purchased.

Auto-counters are set on the Admin > Client Info / Counters Tab.

NOTE: The Biomed Section is available only to Healthcare licensees.

General Option Settings

Open the categories on the Admin > Client Info / Rental Preferences Tab and establish separate authorization and billing preferences for each category you use. Available options vary depending on the category.

The following settings apply to all the Reservation and Rental windows.

Allow Overbooking If Granted, this option can create conflicts. The option allows the same item to be requested or reserved multiple times for the same date and time.

Authorization Required Grant this option to prevent conversion of the Reservation record to a Rental record unless all line items on the Reservation have been accepted.

Check-In Task When an item is returned, you have the option to generate a Work Order for a designated Task. The Task is created from Organization > Task > Records for selection on this page. Tasks can be different for each type of Reservation. When you create check-in Tasks, make them generic because only one Task can be assigned here for each type of Reservation. The Check-In Task field displays the Task description.

No Holidays If Granted, no rental charges are calculated for any dates found in Organization > Lookups > Transactions / Holidays.

No Weekends If Granted, no reservation charges are calculated for any weekend dates during which the item is in use.

Written Authorization If Granted, this preference requires reservation agents to have a paper document with the authorizer's signature rather than an electronic authorization before they can release the reserved item.


Path: Admin > Client Info / Counters Tab

Use the Counters Tab to determine whether to use auto-numbering for both Reservations and Rentals. When a value is designated here, the user is not allowed to enter a number in the Reservation # or Rental # fields.

Rental Enter the starting Rental counter number in the Current Value field.

Reservation Enter a starting number in the Current Value field to allow the system to automatically generate Reservation numbers for each Reservation.

NOTE: Using Counters means that all Reservations are numbered sequentially regardless of the type of item you reserve. For example, assume the counter starts at 101 and you make reservations for Equipment, Areas, and Tools. The Equipment Reservation number is 101, the Areas Reservation number is 102, and the Tools Reservation number is 103.


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