Grounds Routes - WebTMA 7

Path: Transactions > Grounds > Grounds Routes

The Grounds Routes window is used to create a grounds route for routine tasks. You can print a Summary or Detail route and give the printout to the assigned groundskeeper to use as a work sheet.

The required fields above the grid are a Code, a Description of the route,and the route Supervisor Name; however, you can establish others, such as Shift.

An alert icon tells you that the Route has no associated inspections.

The parent rows in the grid show the identifying information for a location as well as the number of minutes spent performing the Tasks for the given area by day as well as a weekly total. The Tasks themselves are visible when you click the arrow to show the Tasks associated with the Area in child rows.

How to Create a Grounds Route

To create a Route for a groundsman from the Grounds Routes window:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required and elective fields.
  3. Click the Add Area link at the top of the grid. Note: If you enter a Facility on the Area Selection flyout that opens, WebTMA filters the Buildings list to reflect only the Buildings linked to the selected Facility.
  4. Check the desired areas on the Area Selection flyout grid.
  5. Click the Add Selected button.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

PMs Tab

On the PMs Tab, a preventive maintenance schedule can be assigned.

The Task Description column displays the Task Description from the Grounds Template. This column shows the contents of the Description field from Organization > Task > Records / Identity Tab.

A standard WebTMA Task must be associated with the newly created PM schedule line. There are no meter-based Grounds PMs.

Other than these exceptions, the PMs Tab follows the same rules as other PMs.

If a Grounds Route is inactivated, all PMs associated with the Route are inactivated as well.


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