Grounds Lookup Settings - WebTMA 7

The Grounds Management module makes use of several Lookup Types specific to the Grounds Management module.

Grounds Deficiency

The options in this Lookup enable an inspector to provide a reason for failed inspections. This is similar to a failure code for a Work Order. For example, if an outdoor trash can is marked as failed during the inspection, the deficiency might be 'not emptied' or 'smelled bad'. If the mowing inspection fails, the reason could be 'sections missed'.

Grounds Inspection Form Types

Path: Organization > Lookups / Grounds Inspection Form Type

This Lookup Type applies to the Grounds module only. These are the types and optional Subtypes used to classify Grounds Inspection Forms.

Grounds Inspection Ratings

Path: Organization > Lookups > Grounds Inspection Ratings

This Lookup Type can be used to enhance the existing hardcoded APPA rating level of 1-5. If you chose to import Grounds Maintenance data, the five APPA standard levels of grounds maintenance are added to this table.

When you use the Inspection Ratings, you can record the work observed during a Grounds inspection. A value is required for each record entered. The score is used to calculate averages based on the scoring system you choose, APPA or Custom.

Grounds Inspection Result Type

Path: Organization > Lookups / Grounds Inspection Types

The Grounds Inspection Types Lookup allows you to create result categories for different kinds of inspections.

Grounds Items

Path: Organization > Lookups / Grounds Items

Grounds Items are the items reviewed by supervisors during Grounds Inspections. Items marked as a Grounds Item can have other uses as well. The window includes a field that links a Grounds Item to a Unit of Measure.

Grounds Task Types

Path: Organization > Lookups / Grounds Task Types

The Grounds Task Types window is used to classify Grounds Tasks.

Grounds Template Types

Path: Organization > Lookups / Grounds Template Types

The Grounds Template Type Lookup is used to classify Grounds Templates.


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