System Form Attributes - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attributes

The changes made to the System Form Attributes window apply to all WebTMA users. See the Note below for an exception. Creating Custom Form Attributes describes how to make changes for specific types of employees.

Your System Administrator can make changes to meet the practices of the organization. Changes can be made during initial setup or at a later time.

Caution: Restrict access to this window. The WebTMA System Administrators for your organization are the persons who should make any changes. Ideally, your administrators consult with WebTMA to determine what, if any, changes are needed. Use the window to change the availability or characteristics of fields and Tabs on a particular window.

The following list describes field options available for certain windows and fields:

  • Required. Make the field a required entry, and prevent saving a record until the information is provided.
  • Enabled. The field allows interaction, such as data entry. If the check box is clear, the field can be seen, but changes cannot be made to it.
  • Visible. Show the field or button on the window. If the check box is clear, the field is hidden from everyone's view.
  • Tab Stop. Include or exclude the field as part of the tabbing navigation.
  • Dropdown. Include a down arrow in the field so users can view a selection list.
  • Popup. Show or hide the ellipsis button to allow or deny users a more complete search for field contents. If you clear the Dropdown check box, you can clear this check box as well to prevent opening the related popup selection window.

Hiding Tabs has certain restrictions. See How to Show/Hide Tabs for more information. Note that Tabs on windows in WebTMA GO (iPad forms) cannot be changed in any way.

NOTE: While these changes apply to all users, one exception applies to the Admin role and Repair Centers. The requirement for a Repair Center on a user record is based on the system role (User or Admin) of the current user and cannot be modified based on Custom or System Form Attributes. The Repair Center is always optional for Admin users and always required for standard (non-admin) Users.

How to Edit System Forms

Path: Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attributes

The System Form Attributes window does not permit adding another window; therefore, Add is disabled on the WebTMA toolbar.

Although you can cycle through the windows using the First, Next, Previous, and Last buttons on the toolbar, a simpler way to locate a form is to use Search. Search by window name. The system also searches for partial words or phrases.

Once you have located the window you want to edit:

  1. Search for the window you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click to check or clear the fields or buttons for line items. The columns are defined in Changing System Field Attributes.
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

As you make changes, test as you go to assure you have the results you want. When you remove a field from view, try clearing all checks on the line rather than simply clearing the Visible check box. It is easier to see lines you have changed when all check boxes are cleared, and is useful if your test results are not as expected.

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