Archive Process and Rules - WebTMA 5

This information explains what happens to connected records when certain transactions are archived.

When you archive each transaction type, the WebTMA archival procedure follows certain rules to handle connected records.

When you archive certain types of records, such as Projects, the following symbols represent possible actions to the connected records such as Project Requisition, Estimate, Purchase Requisition, Event, etc.:

+  = Connected records are Archived

B = Connected records Block the transaction archival. To archive the transaction record, the connected records that cause the Block must be archived first.

Ø = Connected records are not archived. They remain in the main database. The Archival procedure backs up the foreign key, then clears the foreign key from the connected records.

Example of a Project archival:

B – Project Requisition. If a Project Requisition is connected to the Project, the record is not archived.

+ – Estimate. If Estimate records are connected, they are attached to the archived project.

Ø – Purchase Requisition. Any PRs attached to the Project remain in the database. The archival procedure clears the Project Foreign Key from the PR record and archives only the Project record.

Archival Workflow

When records are no longer relevant for daily use, clients can archive them by selecting the archive criteria and clicking the Archive link on the Action Menu from Admin > Archive and Purge.

WebTMA creates a batch job which finds transaction records that meet the archival criteria. Those records are moved to the Archival database and removed from the current WebTMA database. See the note below regarding the Archival database.

Archival results can be found on the Admin > Archive and Purge > Results Tab.  It lists the number of records that have been archived per transaction type.

Currently WebTMA requires that the archival database must be on the same server where the WebTMA database resides.

Rules for Archival Order

During the archive process, WebTMA follows these rules in the sequence listed below:

  1. Email
  2. Checkout
  3. Batch Job
  4. MedTester Exception
  5. Scheduled report
  6. Disposal


+ Approval Routing

  1. Journal Entry

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Journal Entry records will not be archived


+ Manual Charge

  1. Custodial Inspection Result
  2. Move records

+ Transfer

  1. Contract

B Project Requisition

B Project Activity

B Biomed equipment

B PM Schedule

B Work Order

Ø Batch Job

+ Status  History


+ Attachment

  1. Return & Repair

Ø On hand Adjustment detail


+ Attachment

+ Status History

  1. Estimate

+ Change Order

+ Approval Routing

+ Status History

+ ESA Account

+ Encumbered Fund

  1. Training

+ Training Assignment

+ Training Survey Result

+ Training Scheduling Queue

+ Work Order Labor

+ Training Requests

  1. Quote

Ø Purchase Requisition

Ø Purchase Order

+ Status History

+ Attachment

  1. Purchase Requisition

+ Status History


+ Attachment

+ Approval Routing

+ PO Link

Ø Quote

  1. Purchase Order

+ Status History


+ Attachment

+ Approval Routing

+ PO Link

B Dock Item

B Quote

B Purchase Requisition

B Non-received Receiving Staging

+ Received Receiving Staging

+ PO Change Order

Ø Invoice

Ø Payment Item

Ø Onhand Adjustment

  1. Material Request

Ø Sales Order

+ Status History

+ Approval Routing

  1. Sales Order

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Sales Orders will not be archived

B Dock Distrib

B Non-reconciled P-card Transaction

Ø Reconciled P-card Transaction

Ø On-hand Adjustment

Ø Payment Item

Ø Invoice

Ø Sub ledger

+ Manual Charge

+ Status History


+ Attachment

  1. Refrigerant Service
  2. Hazardous Material


  1. Transfer

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Part Transfer records will not be archived)

+ Manual Charge

Ø Sub Ledger

  1. Event

Ø Project

Ø Reservation

+   Status History

+ Approval Routing

  1. pCard Transaction

B Dock Item


Ø On-hand Adjustment

  1. Fuel & Oil

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Fuel & Oil records will not be archived

Ø Payment Item

Ø Invoice

+ Manual Charge

  1. Project

B Contract Project

B Project Requisition

+   Estimate

+   Status History

+  UDF

+ Attachment

+ Approval Routing

B Request

B Event

B Purchase Order

B Work Order

Ø Purchase Requisition

B Capital Planning Funding Group

B Capital Planning Capital Dollar

  1. Project Requisition

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Project Requisitions will not be archived

Ø Payment

Ø Invoice

Ø Sub ledger


+ Attachment

+ Manual Charge

+ Approval Routing

  1. Expense Ticket

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Expense Ticket will not be archived

B Rental

Ø Payment Item

Ø Invoice

Ø Subledger


+ Manual Charge

  1. Reservation

+ Approval Routing

Ø Rental

  1. Rental

Special Rule: Unposted chargeable Rental records will not be archived

Ø Payment Item

Ø Invoice

 Ø Expense Ticket

B Reservation

+ Charge

Ø Subledger

  1. Work Request


+ Approval Routing

+ Status History

+ Estimate

Ø Work Order

  1. Work Order

Special Rules:

  • Unposted chargeable work orders will not be archived
  • Work orders that are linked to items that prevent archival will not be archived
  • Open work orders will not be archived


+ Approval Routing

+ Attachment

+ Status History

+ Estimate

+ Esa Account

+ Encumbered Fund

+ Manual Charge

+ Training Request

Ø Invoice

Ø Payment Item

Ø Sub Ledger

Ø On-hand Adjustment

Ø pCard Transaction Detail

Ø Key Transaction

Ø Key Adjustment

B Dock Distrib

B Request

B Project Tasks

B Lease Punch

B PO Distrib

B PR Distrib

B Quote Distrib

B PO Change Order Distrib

B Corrective General Inspection

B Returns

B Room Inspection History Rating

B Room Inspection History Value

B General Inspection Check results

B Custodial Route Item History

B Custodial Route Item

B Lease Punch

  1. Utility Ticket

Ø Payment Item

Ø Invoice

Ø Utility Bill Invoice Detail

+ Manual Charge

  1. AP Invoice

Ø On-hand Adjustment

Ø Payment Item

+ Status History

B Purchase Order

B Project Requisition

B Work Order

+ Lease

  1. Utility Bill Invoice

Ø Payment Item

B Utility Ticket

  1. AR Invoice

Ø On-hand Adjustment

Ø Payment Item

+ Status History

B Expense Ticket

B Rental

B Fuel & Oil

B Sales Order

B Utility Ticket

B Work Order

  1. AP Payment

B AP Invoice

B Utility Bill Invoice

B Project Requisition

B Purchase Order

B Work Order 

B Lease

  1. AR Payment

B AR Invoice

B Fuel & Oil

B Sales Order

B Rental

B Expense Ticket

B Work Order

B Utility Bill Invoice

  1. Sub Ledger
  2. OnHand Adjustment

B Dock Distrib

B Dock Item

B Invoice Adjustment

Ø Work Order Part

Ø Sales Order

Ø Transfer

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