Estimates and Other Windows - WebTMA 5

The option to create estimates is related to these WebTMA modules.

Work Orders

If an estimate is required, a reminder alerts you when you save a new record. The message includes an option to create the estimate.

Request Log

You cannot create an estimate in Edit mode from the Request Log window. First create and save a request. Once saved, the Estimates link on the Action Menu is enabled. In View mode, click the link.

You are not required to create an estimate from the Request Log window, but when a request becomes a work order, a message informs you that one is needed.


First create and save a project using Transactions > Project > Records. Next click the Estimates link on the Action Menu in View mode; you cannot create an estimate in Edit mode from a project.

You are not required to create an estimate from the Project window, but when the project activity becomes a work order, a message informs you that one is needed.

Project Requisitions

For Advanced Account users, a Project Requisition that is linked to a Project with an attached authorized estimate has specific rules. The Project Requisition / Billing Info Tab inherits read-only account lines from the Project estimate, and the Billed Account field on the Project Requisition / Identity Tab is disabled. For complete information about the Billing Info Tab and Advanced Accounting, go to Help > Help Page / Common Functions.


If estimates are linked to a contract, the cumulative total of estimates is displayed in the Estimate field of the Organization > Contract > Identity Tab.

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