Approval Routing History
The Approval Routing History Tab is associated with the Approval Routing module. This module is used by managers to approve transactions rather than the standard authorization process that is available with base WebTMA modules.
The read-only Approval Routing History Tab shows all authorizations for the record. When transactions require several levels of approval for more than one Route, they may be pending for a long time. Use the Tab to see each Route and each authorizor within that Route as well as any approvals that have been granted. Expand the line to view the levels of authorizors and actions.
Attachment Tab
This Tab is used with transactional records and includes several functions. The Tab is found on the following windows:
The window includes the following Tabs: Contacts, Notes, and Tasks. The line items recorded on the Tasks Tab relate to personal duties for the individual user and are not related to the task types established in Organization > Lookups. Tasks entered for Attachments can also be added or viewed from File > My Task. If you have MyPage privileges, you can establish a My Task control to display your tasks on MyPage.
When an attachment is saved, it is linked to the current record. No attachment data can be saved without a current record.
Each attachment contact record is separate. It relates exclusively to the record to which it is attached.
Repair Centers Tab
Use the Repair Centers Tab to associate one or more repair centers with a record. Most windows have a Repair Centers Tab.
You are reminded to assign a repair center if you attempt to save a new record without selecting at least one repair center, because, without a linked repair center, no one can view the record or assign work to the item. Only users assigned to the named repair center(s) can see and use the record.
When WebTMA displays the reminder, the Repair Centers Tab opens to facilitate making your selections.
How to Affiliate a Repair Center with a Record
You can add as many repair centers as needed to a record. The following instructions are for an existing saved record. If you are creating a new record, click the Repair Center Tab and go to step 4.
- Locate the record.
- Click the Repair Center Tab.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar unless you are in Add mode.
- Click the Add Repair Center link at the top of the grid. This opens the Add Repair Center popup window.
- Click the check boxes of all applicable repair centers. Tip: To select All repair centers, click the check box adjacent to the label Repair Center Code.
- Click the Save button on the popup window.
- (Optional) Click the Preferred check box of the repair center that usually performs work on the item.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.