Path: Admin > MyPage Config
After creating Tabs and Controls from the MyPage Action Menu, the WebTMA System Administrator can determine who has access to specific Tabs and the Controls on those Tabs.
The MyPage Config modules are used to control the Tabs a user or group can view as well as to restrict users' view of specific Controls on a Tab.
- Set the viewable Tabs from MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs.
- Set the viewable Controls on a Tab from MyPage Config > MyPage Controls.
Use the MyPage Config module to designate a standard MyPage for different categories of personnel.
REMINDER: If your organization has purchased the Executive Dashboard license, the Home page reflects the title Executive Dashboard, even though most of the functionality applies to MyPage, which is part of the WebTMA base module. The Dashboard graphics are usually set up on a separate MyPage Tab.
Technician MyPage Assignment Example
WebTMA includes a control to automatically display all work orders assigned to a technician. This is the Assigned WO Browse selection when you create a new control. It looks to the login ID of the logged in user. If that user is a standard or administrator user, the user has the option to select a technician ID and display all work orders assigned to the selected technician.
If you want to limit the work orders to a specific date range, the following describes the more complex process of sharing a query with a Technician. The actions must be performed by a fully qualified TMA User who can both create MyPage Tabs and Controls as well as choose the people who have access to them.
Create and save a WO Browse query from Transactions > Work Order > Work Order Browse. The following are general criteria. Refine them for your organization's needs.
- Select a Period. The predefined This Week is the usual selection.
- Choose the Work Order Types.
- Mark Open Work Order and Show Scheduled in the Other Criteria
- Check the Labor and/or Schedules box in the Filter By Technician
- Click the Save Query
- Type a Name for the query.
- Mark the Use Current Tech check box.
- Click the Save button on the Query Save popup.
From MyPage, create a Tab for Technician use. Give it a general name that can apply to more than one technician because the Use Current Tech check box indicates that the technicians who log in will see their work only. For instructions, see How to Add Tabs to MyPage on page 76.
Add new Controls to the Tab. For this control, set the Type as WO Browse, and select your saved WO Browse query.
If desired, add a company bulletin Control to the Tab so management can communicate critical information to technicians.
Use Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs described below to assign this standard Tab to technicians who have login privileges.
When the technician logs in, he or she will see a list of their open work orders. If you add a Bulletin Board, other information pertinent to their job is also available.
MyPage Tabs Configuration
Path: Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs
By default, the user that creates the Tab can see the Tab name, Description, and any Controls assigned to the Tab. Typically, the person who creates the Tabs and makes the assignments is the WebTMA System Administrator.
The administrator can grant Tab viewing permission to other users or to a group of users. The Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs / Identity Tab displays the controls for the selected Tab. A read-only Type field on the Identity Tab shows the type of control, such as Dial Gauge. The Comments field displays information included when you Add or Edit a new Control. Both these view-only fields (Type and Comment) are searchable.
This is a quick method to assign access to many users for one MyPage Tab. If you want a detailed view of all the MyPage Tabs assigned to a specific user, go to Admin > User Management > Records / MyPage.
User Access Tab
Path: Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs / User Access Tab
The User Access Tab is used to give individual users access to the Tab.
- Go to MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs and open the record for the Tab to be modified.
- Click Edit.
- Click the User Access
- Click the Add User link on the grid.
- Complete the User Entry window to grant permission to view, edit, and delete the Tab from MyPage. Anyone with a record in User Management is eligible for selection.
- Click the Save button on the popup window.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
NOTE: If you mark the Owner check box, that user can change access rights to the page for other users.
Group Access Tab
Path: Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Tabs / Group Access Tab
Use the Group Access Tab when you want to make a Tab on MyPage available to a large number of users at one time. These are the same Groups established using Admin > User Management > Groups. When you click the Add Group on the Group Access Tab, you can allow the same view, edit, delete, and owner permissions to groups that are found on the User Access Tab described on the previous page.
Group access requires a setting in the Default Order field. Type a sequence number in this field to identify the order of appearance of the Tab on MyPage.
The Default Visibility check box determines if the Tab appears the first time a user logs in after receiving access. If the group does not have permission to edit MyPage, check the Default Visibility box. If the group has edit access, set the Default Visibility based on the importance of the information on the Tab. In other words, mark the check box for Tabs with high-priority information. Leave the check box clear for Tabs that are optional and only need to be loaded if the user is searching for the information.
MyPage Controls
Path: Admin > MyPage Config > MyPage Controls
The MyPage Controls / Identity Tab displays all the Tabs that include the selected Control.
When a user or group has permission to add new Tabs, use this window to restrict the Controls they can add to that Tab.
This does not prevent users from viewing the control if they have permission to view a Tab that includes the Control. After all, they can see all the Controls when they can see a Tab. Thus the named user or group can see the “restricted” Control if they have access to a Tab that includes that Control.
Open the Control you want to restrict, and use User Access Tab in Edit mode to grant permission to individuals to add the Control to a Tab created by that user. Anyone with a record in User Management is eligible for selection. Click the Add User link to open the User Entry popup window.
Use the Group Access Tab when you want to restrict the use of a Control for a large number of users at one time. These are the same Groups established using Admin > User Management > Groups. Click the Add Group link to open the Group Entry popup window. This is the same as described in the previous topic.