Batch Assign Repair Center - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > User Management > Batch Assign Repair Center

Use the Batch Assign Repair Center window to make repair center assignments to multiple users or groups at the same time.

The window includes a filter for both repair centers and personnel. You can select more than one repair center to assign to selected personnel or groups.

How to Assign Multiple Repair Centers

The filters at the top of each section of the Batch Assign Repair Center window give you the option to filter the choices by many criteria available on the repair center, user, or group record.

  1. Click the User or User Group Subtab at the bottom of the right pane.
  2. Select the criteria in the upper fields.
  3. Click the arrow icons to filter the lists.
  4. Click the check boxes of applicable repair centers and Users or User Groups.
  5. Click your choice of the buttons at the bottom of the window, Grant Selected, Deny Selected, or Apply Not Determined, and WebTMA makes the assignment.

When the window refreshes, the default list and filter are once again visible and are ready for you to make a new batch assignment.

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