User Management Privileges Tab - WebTMA 5

The selections on the Privileges Tab are similar to the Admin > User Management > Records / Preferences Tab; however, the Privileges Tab is used for more restrictive actions.

Different roles display different options, and most of them do not overlap.


Show Personal Info in Technician Window. Use caution when granting this privilege. It gives the user access to confidential and sensitive information about technicians.

Allow Modification to Closed Work Orders. Grants the user rights to delete the completion date on a work order and edit the record. See Mobile Access Note below.

Schedule PM. Grants the User permission to set up PM Schedules.

Change Password. Allow the user to change his or her password.

Allow to Delete Meter Reading. Mark this check box if the User is allowed to delete the last meter reading entered. Only Users with this check box marked can delete a meter reading.

Allow Work Order Signoff. Grant this Privilege if the user is allowed to use the Supervisor Signoff link on the Work Order Action Menu.

BIM Integration Access. If you use the optional BIM interface, grant or deny access to the user.

Allow Purging of Archived Records. This grants the user permission to purge archived records.

Allow Dispute. For WebTMA Enterprise users that employ the Pending Charges Review/Dispute feature, grant a user permission to mark charges for dispute and further review.

Allow to Approve Time Card. If this Privilege is Granted, the Action Menu link, Approve Time Entries, is enabled on the Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance window. This relates to the Time Card Approval function in WebTMA.


Allow Modification to Closed Work Orders. Grants the technician rights to delete the completion date on a work order and edit the record. See Mobile Access Note below.

Allow to Schedule Work Order to Themselves. When granted, the technician can assign a work order to himself/herself.

Allow to Schedule Work Order to Others. This Privilege allows the technician to assign work to other technicians.

Change Password. If granted, technicians can change their own password.

Allow Work Order Signoff. Grant this Privilege if the technician is allowed to use the Supervisor Signoff link on the Work Order Action Menu.


Change Password. If granted, requestors can change their own password.

View Any Request. Grant this Privilege to allow a requestor to view all requests.

View Tech Comment. If granted, the requestor can see the technician's comments about the work.

Allow Authorization. This Privilege applies to the Approval Routing module and grants the requestor the right to be an approved authorizer.

View Any Material Request. Gives the requestor the right to see all Material Requests.

Allow to Add Additional Action Requested. Grant the specific requestor the Privilege to add more actions to a request.

Allow Dispute. If your organization uses WebTMA Enterprise and the Pending Charges Review/Dispute feature, this grants a requestor permission to mark charges for dispute and further review.

Mobile Access Note

Privileges that appear on both the Mobile Access – Auxiliary Subtab and the Privileges Tab reference the same setting on the User account or Group. The presence of a setting on the Mobile Access Tab merely indicates that the setting affects the mobile applications; the settings on the Privileges Tab affect the related functionality of WebTMA. These identical settings appear on both Tabs for your convenience in configuring mobile and web users. To ensure that user Privileges are applied consistently, be sure to apply the same setting values to both the mobile and web Tabs.

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